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Autore Gordon West

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Toy Soldiers

Toy Soldiers
Lyrics & Music by Gordon West

"This song was recorded by most of the members of Underground Angel. I played all the guitar parts, Keri sang, Matt played Bass, and we are still waiting on the magic of Dave's drums.
One of our members has an issue with being called a "toy" on the weekends he is a soldier. Thus the reason the song is here, instead of with the rest of Underground Angel's songs.
I was on active duty in the US Army for seven years. I WAS a "toy" soldier, doing everything I was told, to the best of my ability.
My oldest son is a Marine.. Stationed in Japan at the time this was written, but on orders for deployment..
May they all come home safely, and may they never have to do it again.. "
Little toy soldiers
inviata da giorgio 15/3/2011 - 08:15

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