작사 : 윤민석 작곡 : 윤민석
가수 : 송앤라이프
Lyrics and Music by Yoon Min-suk
Testo e musica di Yoon Min-suk
"Fucking USA", often called "Fuck'n USA", is a protest song written by South Korean singer and activist Yoon Min-suk. Strongly anti-US Foreign policy and anti-Bush, the song was written in 2002 at a time when, following the Apolo Ohno Olympic controversy and an incident in which two Korean middle school students were killed under the wheels of a U.S. Army vehicle; anti-American sentiment in Korea reached high levels. Musically it is a parody of "Surfin USA" and though it has a vulgar aspect it is not supposed to be, according to Yoon, just an angsty punk type song but a serious critique of the Bush Administration and US foreign policy in particular in the Korean peninsula, just conveyed in an ironic and jokingly vitriolic way.
Later a music video, supposedly created by North Koreans... (continua)
Sorry to contradict you, Ric, but the song is not downloadable only in direct way. It's downloadable just like the others whose a music stream appears on a web page. All you need is a very small free program like Free Music Zilla downloadable from http://www.freemusiczilla.com/download...
You'll be able to download also videos from Youtube (and similar), music and videos not only from MySpace, but also from Imeem, Last.fm, Pandora, eSnips, Mog, iJigg, Radio.blog.club, etc.(most of this kind of sites).
Important you should run the Music Zilla interface "before" you open the music stream. After the download the file should be renamed to its right title instead of its code.
Traduzione dell'anonimo (divertente?) commentino di cui sopra:
"Questa canzone da handicappati l'ha scritta qualche muso giallo comunista incazzato"...
Gook - che noi traduciamo con muso giallo - è un termine statunitense in slang militare coniato alla fine dell'800 durante la guerra filippino-americana. Originariamente designava le prostitute filippine di basso livello, quelle da truppa, ma poi venne esteso a tutti i nativi. Ma comunque "gooks" erano chiamati anche i nicareguensi durante l'occupazione del Nicaragua (1912), o gli haitiani durante quella di Haiti (1914), niente affatto dei "musi gialli" (però gook può anche significare fango, fanghiglia). Altri maledetti gooks (questa volta inequivocabilmente gialli) vennero combattuti nel Pacifico e infine atomizzati nel 1945... Ma nonostante "Fat Boy" quelli continuavano a spuntare dappertutto: gooks in Corea, gooks in Vietnam... e questi, oltre che dei maledetti gooks, erano pure degli sporchi commies!
Ah, quanto hanno dovuto lottare i nostri gloriosi marines per portare la pace su questa tormentata Terra!
작사 : 윤민석 작곡 : 윤민석
가수 : 송앤라이프
Lyrics and Music by Yoon Min-suk
Testo e musica di Yoon Min-suk
"Fucking USA", often called "Fuck'n USA", is a protest song written by South Korean singer and activist Yoon Min-suk. Strongly anti-US Foreign policy and anti-Bush, the song was written in 2002 at a time when, following the Apolo Ohno Olympic controversy and an incident in which two Korean middle school students were killed under the wheels of a U.S. Army vehicle; anti-American sentiment in Korea reached high levels. Musically it is a parody of "Surfin USA" and though it has a vulgar aspect it is not supposed to be, according to Yoon, just an angsty punk type song but a serious critique of the Bush Administration and US foreign policy in particular in the Korean peninsula, just conveyed in an ironic and jokingly vitriolic way.
Later a music video, supposedly created by North Koreans... (continua)