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Song Itinerary

Author Gogol Bordello

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Take Only What You Can Carry

Take Only What You Can Carry

“Take Only What You Can Carry” encapsulates emotional message of uprooted people whose lives were destroyed by this fucked up war in Ukraine. The idea was to bring 3 very different Ukrainian artists together responding to the situation ASAP. Oleksandra Zaritska of Ukrainian synth pop group Kazka band brings cathartic justice to lyrics of Serhiy Zhadan, a punk rocker and Nobel Prize nominated writer and poet from hard-fighting city of Kharkiv. Translated into English by great Virlana Tkacz and me. We’ve never used someone else’s poetry before, but this is coming out of exceptional on all levels and I’m very proud of this collaboration.

This song is based on the 2015 poem by Serhiy Zhadan, a resident of Kharkiv.

Zhadan wrote: “Take only what is most important. Take the letters. Take only what you can carry.
Take the icons and the embroidery, take the silver,
Take the... (Continues)
Take only that which you can carry
Contributed by Dq82 2024/8/27 - 11:49
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine


Versione dei Gogol Bordello feat. Bernard Sumner (New Order/Joy Division), Neil Newton (Angelic Upstarts), Zachery Allan Starkey (ZAS), and Steve Sidelnyk (Massive Attack, Primal Scream)

Give them hope, give them strength, give them life
Contributed by Dq82 2024/8/27 - 11:39
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Évariste: La chasse au boson intermédiaire

Évariste: La chasse au boson intermédiaire
L'ho ascoltata. In effetti è completamente folle. In tempi più recenti i Gogol Bordello hanno scritto un'altra canzone ugualmente folle dedicata alla fisica delle particelle...


First time I had read the Bible
It had stroke me as unwitty
I think it may started rumor
That the Lord ain't got no humor

Put me inside SSC
Let's test superstring theory
Oh yoi yoi accelerate the protons
stir it twice and then just add me, 'cause

I don't read the Bible
I don't trust disciple
Even if they're made of marble
Or Canal Street bling

From the maelstrom of the knowledge
Into the labyrinth of doubt
Frozed underground ocean
melting - nuking on my mind

Yes give me Everything Theory
Without Nazi uniformity
My brothers are protons
My sisters are neurons
Stir it twice, it's instant family!

I don't read the Bible
I don't trust disciple
Even if they're made... (Continues)
Lorenzo 2012/5/15 - 22:13
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Gypsy punks: underdog world strike

un'altra storia di emigrazione
When I was younger I lived in fear
Contributed by DoNQuijote82 2010/6/6 - 18:04
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Gypsy punks: underdog world strike

Basically, it's an anti-war song- "that war/it never stops!" But it's more than that. He manages to dissect not only the roots of where war exists in our culture but also the helplessness of such understanding (nobody listens, nobody cares) while maintaining an advisory stature. Are we the only light there is? For ourselves we are. Hopeless? Not if you take care of your own.
from Pacifist War Games
Don't believe them for a moment
2008/1/14 - 17:31

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