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Autore Gold Mass

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There Should Be Sky Above You

There Should Be Sky Above You
Album: Flare

THERE SHOULD BE SKY ABOVE YOU is the last track I worked on among those featured in FLARE. It was born with the intention of offering a word of comfort to those who suffer and live their lives managing a pain. A sense of oppression arises in a context in which one is not serene and free to think lightly and confidently about one’s own future and self-determination.

Living overwhelmed by heavy clouds makes us powerless as a Queen in exile from her own kingdom. No one deserves to experience and suffer violence.

In making the video of THERE SHOULD BE SKY ABOVE YOU, it seemed natural to devote space to the denunciation of what is happening in Gaza right now. I find it impossible to remain indifferent to such a horror. In a context where missiles and bombs are raining down on civilians, it is inevitable to think that there should be only the sky over those heads, nothing... (continua)
Hold on
1/9/2024 - 11:37

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