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Autore Kevin Littlewood

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Rainbow Warriors

Rainbow Warriors
Rainbow Warriors
was written in praise of the Greenpeace ship and after reading a poem from the Native American tradition, called 'In beauty may I walk', the words of which were reproduced in the Rattle Bag anthology by Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes. In the end the song came out nothing much like the poem, but I kept the idea of walking, and I gave it a sort of muted war drum beat.
It's an anthem for all peace/eco activists.

Words and music by Kevin Littlewood
Copyright Kevin Littlewood/Sain Records/Cyhoeddiadau Sain
When the earth is sick and ailing,
inviata da Kevin Littlewood 21/7/2010 - 08:44

Strange Fish

Strange fish is a song about the nuclear submarines which patrol the seas of the world.

The song can be heard at

Words and music, Kevin Littlewood

Copyright Kevin Littlewood/Sain Records/Cyhoeddiadau Sain
Fishermen's tales told by the twilight
inviata da Kevin Littlewood 21/7/2010 - 08:39

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