
4 translations found of songs by Reuven Lifshutz [Ruben Lifschutz] / ראובן ליפֿשוץ in Italian



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דער הױפֿזינגער פֿון װאַרשעװער געטאָ Downloadable! Video!

Versione italiana di Riccardo Venturi

דער הױפֿזינגער פֿון װאַרשעװער געטאָ Downloadable! Video!

Versione italiana di Leoncarlo Settimelli

דער הױפֿזינגער פֿון װאַרשעװער געטאָ Downloadable! Video!

Versione italiana di Rocco Rosignoli

דער הױפֿזינגער פֿון װאַרשעװער געטאָ Downloadable! Video!

Versione italiana di Daniele Goldoni

Search for songs in Italian

Antiwar songs by Reuven Lifshutz [Ruben Lifschutz] / ראובן ליפֿשוץ


Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.

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