
Holy Land

Ryan Harvey
Lingua: Inglese

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Twisted tales from history
Lately been convincing me
Systematic land grabs
And war's creating misery
48, 56, 67, 73
Destruction in the name of Western Democracy

Holy land, that's the deed
That fuels this racist war machine
While the Western press slams Iran
For acting so religiously
Hypocrisy, that's what I see
Occupation propped by bigotry
Ignorance towards Arab lands
That dictates which facts we see

Twisted tales from history
Lately been convincing me
Systematic land grabs
And war's creating misery
The British Mandate, Mossedegh
The Hashemite monarchy
Destruction in the name of Western Democracy

Phillistinee children spread
all over the region
The survivors of Al-Nakba,
uprooted and imprisoned
Groves of ancient olive trees
plowed over in a moment
Refugees piling in
to Lebanon and Jordan
And Iraq, who ain't forgot about
the Ameriyya massacre
Or the highway of death,
that summarized the last war
Soldiers flying from Kuwait
in Bush's helicopters
Firing missiles into soldiers
surrendering in Basra

Twisted tales from history
Lately been convincing me
Systematic land grabs
And war's creating misery
Covert bombings aimed at Nasser
Small Pox sold to Saddam Hussein
Destruction in the name of Western Democracy

The modern feats of medicine
Ascribed to wealthy British men
We're the works of Arab doctors
And Persian mathematicians
Algebra, the 1, 2, 3s
The science and Astronomy
Education as the basis of real democracy

I don't care or you're a Muslim or Jew
I care about what you do
You take my land, blockade my ports
I'll fire missiles at you too
And that's not to say
I'd like to live this way
No one wants to see
Their people dying everyday
Or having to bomb the border wall
Just to get medicine Digging tunnels into Egypt
To smuggle food and water in
Sewage spilling out into the blue shores of Palestine
The culture, the land, the people, a slow and brutal genocide

Holy land, that's the deed
That fuels this little war machine
The justifies Apartheid
To benefit Israelis
Hypocrisy, that's what I see
We're blinded by this bigotry
Ignorance towards Islam
That dictates which facts we see.

inviata da giorgio - 3/3/2009 - 23:51

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