
ريم بنا – سارة

Rim Banna / ريم بنا‎,
Langue: arabe

Rim Banna / ريم بنا‎,

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Nella foto, la sepoltura di Lama Hamdan di Beit Hannoun, assassinata all'età quattro anni, il 30 dicembre del 2008.
Nella foto, la sepoltura di Lama Hamdan di Beit Hannoun, assassinata all'età quattro anni, il 30 dicembre del 2008.

Fonte: Kelebek
كانت سارة ساراي تدرج أولى خطواتها على تراب فلسطين
وكانت ضحكتها تغطي تغطي سماء فلستطين
غافلها القناص بطلقة في الراس في رأس سارة الصغير
سارة ساراي

ارفع العصبة عن عيون سارة حتى ترى وجه قاتلها

10/1/2009 - 16:50

Langue: italien

Versione italiana di Miguel Martinez

Questa è una traduzione senza pretese, nel senso che ho scoperto la canzone già nella traduzione inglese di Chris e quindi ho fatto solo un confronto con il testo in lingua araba.

Sara Saray faceva i suoi primi passi sul suolo della Palestina
e la sua risata copriva, copriva il cielo della Palestina

Il cecchino la colse di sorpresa con un colpo alla testa, alla piccola testa di Sara Saray

Togliete la benda agli occhi di Sara, perché possa vedere il volto del suo assassino

10/1/2009 - 16:54

Langue: anglais

Versione inglese di Chris da Arabic Music Translation

Sarah Sarai was taking her first steps on the soil of Palestine
And her laugh was covering, covering the sky of Palestine

The sniper took her by surprise with a shot in the head, in Sarah's little head

Take the blindfold off of Sarah's eyes so she can see the face of her killer

10/1/2009 - 16:55

Un appello contro la carneficina a Gaza firmato da intellettuali di origine ebraica (The Guardian, 10 gennaio 2009)

"We the undersigned are all of Jewish origin. When we see the dead and bloodied bodies of young children, the cutting off of water, electricity and food, we are reminded of the siege of the Warsaw Ghetto. When Dov Weisglass, an adviser to the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, talked of putting Gazans "on a diet" and the deputy defence minister, Matan Vilnai, talked about the Palestinians experiencing "a bigger shoah" (holocaust), this reminds us of Governor General Hans Frank in Nazi-occupied Poland, who spoke of "death by hunger".

The real reason for the attack on Gaza is that Israel is only willing to deal with Palestinian quislings. The main crime of Hamas is not terrorism but its refusal to accept becoming a pawn in the hands of the Israeli occupation regime in Palestine.

The decision last month by the EU council to upgrade relations with Israel, without any specific conditions on human rights, has encouraged further Israeli aggression. The time for appeasing Israel is long past. As a first step, Britain must withdraw the British ambassador to Israel and, as with apartheid South Africa, embark on a programme of boycott, divestment and sanctions.

Ben Birnberg, Prof Haim Bresheeth, Deborah Fink, Bella Freud, Tony Greenstein, Abe Hayeem, Prof Adah Kay, Yehudit Keshet, Dr Les Levidow, Prof Yosefa Loshitzky, Prof Moshe Machover, Miriam Margolyes, Prof Jonathan Rosenhead, Seymour Alexander, Ben Birnberg, Martin Birnstingl, Prof. Haim Bresheeth, Ruth Clark, Judith Cravitz, Mike Cushman, Angela Dale, Merav Devere, Greg Dropkin, Angela Eden, Sarah Ferner, Alf Filer, Mark Findlay, Sylvia Finzi, Bella Freud, Tessa van Gelderen, Claire Glasman, Ruth Hall, Adrian Hart, Alain Hertzmann, Abe Hayeem, Rosamene Hayeem, Anna Hellmann, Selma James, Riva Joffe, Yael Kahn, Michael Kalmanovitz, Ros Kane, Prof. Adah Kay, Yehudit Keshet, Mark Krantz, Bernice Laschinger, Pam Laurance, Dr Les Levidow, Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky, Prof. Moshe Machover, Beryl Maizels, Miriam Margolyes, Helen Marks, Martine Miel, Diana Neslen, O Neumann, Susan Pashkoff, Hon. Juliet Peston, Renate Prince, Roland Rance, Sheila Robin, Ossi Ron, Manfred Ropschitz, John Rose, Prof. Jonathan Rosenhead, Leon Rosselson, Michael Sackin, Ian Saville, Amanda Sebestyen, Sam Semoff, Prof. Ludi Simpson, Viv Stein, Inbar Tamari, Ruth Tenne, Norman Traub, Eve Turner, Tirza Waisel, Karl Walinets, Renee Walinets, Stanley Walinets, Philip Ward, Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, Ruth Williams, Jay Woolrich, Ben Young, Myk Zeitlin, Androulla Zucker, John Zucker.

Alessandro - 14/1/2009 - 13:23

Langue: anglais

English version from Youtube video

Sarah my Sarah was taking her first faltering steps on the land of Palestine
Her joyful laugh was smothering the sky of Palestine

She was found unaware by a sniper with one shot to her forehead to the small head of Sarah

Sarah My Sarah Take off the bandage from Sarah's eyes and let her see the face of her murderer

Sarah my Sarah

envoyé par giorgio - 8/12/2012 - 08:54

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