
We Are Not Dead

Language: English


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“To resist is to create. To create is to resist.” It’s now been 9 years since SLIVER started rocking on Belgian, French, German and Luxemburger scenes ; with always the same idea : using art and creation as resistance, music as a weapon. “Their riot scream floating like a flag,” SLIVER continue to sing their ideas with rockin’ hardcore as a soundtrack (and also in paper “communiqués” distributed for free at gigs and elsewhere). The band has played more than 100 shows in Europe since 1999 (with Feverish, Death Before Disco, Guerilla Poubelle...) and has released 6 self-produced records and now works with the Belgian label we are all liars records (distribution: Bang!) which released their latest EP: “Kamikaze” (reviewed in Rock Sound, Rock One, Abus Dangereux, Shoot me Again, Metalorgie…). As for the texts and ideas of the band, they even crossed the Atlantic Ocean and were noticed by the American writer Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club : “I’ve enjoyed kamikaze, especially the lyrics”) and by various associations such as the one responsible for the Antiwar Songs website. SLIVER are often compared to so-called committed bands such as Refused or hellisforheroes – two bands they had the chance to work with, on a fanzine and on a remix – and to bands whose attitude is more artistic than profit-driven (At the Drive-In, Thursday) and our influences come from literature (Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, Murakami Ryu, Douglas Coupland), art (Banksy, XXX Prod, Eduardo Recife, Harmony Korine, Larry Clark), and essayists (Michel Onfray, Ruwen Ogien, William Morris, Arnaud Michniak, Peter Watkins). See Here.

Sliver - MySpace
Sliver - Official Website
we can just beg
we can just pray
we have no choice but to obey

we can just kneel
we can just bend
for the execution day only must we stand straight

but we are not dead
we are not dead
we are just slaves
the slaves you don’t want to save

we can just sweat
we can just pay
pay the price of the world you live in

we can just fail
we can just fear
we are 27 millions and you don’t care

but we are not dead
we are not dead
we are just slaves
the slaves you don’t want to save

no one cares
no one cares at all

we beg
we wait
we don’t rest and we don’t dream

we sing
we scream
slavery’s not dead

Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff - 2008/12/16 - 01:12

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