
Born To Die

Lingua: Inglese


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Album: "Millions of Dead Cops"

Millions Of Dead Cops
No war! No KKK! No Fascist USA!

I'm born to die, I'm born to fry
Live my life in a cage, show my outrage
I'm misunderstood, I did what I could
I made my try, I'm born to die
Goin' home, my mind is blown
I spilled my race I found my case
I'm shot down on a fence
I'm dead in self-defense
I lived in a world of hate
With no regret, a Nazi state
A racist dream, a world of hate
With no regret, a Nazi state

No war! No KKK! No Fascist USA!

I'm born to die!

inviata da Alessandro - 11/12/2008 - 15:36

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