
I'm Not the Only One

Richard Marot
Lingua: Inglese

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I would want to mention a wonderful list,
An honest list of some good artists;
It is important for me to mention it
In order to establish that we are many
Who really want a better world…

I’m proud to say that
I’m not the only one,
I’m glad because like me many people
Believe in a big ideal of true Justice
And that is why we can get that this ideal
Becomes the most precious reality…

For example, the good Phil Ochs who always
Criticized the ugliness and cowardice of racism,
Or Pete Seeger who went to the sad south
In order to show some songs which hated racism,
Or the sweet voice of Joan that was always fighting
In order to stop war and many other atrocities…

Or the radical Neil Young who always said
That the south was an ugly land for black men,
Or Lady Day who cried about a southern strange fruit
And the beautiful Joni who wondered why
We had traded the fiddle for the drum…

Or Bobby who criticized strongly the war’s rich men,
Or Billy Joel who hated the political separation of the world,
Or the old Brassens who laughed at the whole cruel society…
Or Moustaki who was always shouting and singing
For getting the big beauty of a permanent revolution…

Or the drummer Max Roach who played for Freedom
And also Nina, a black women who said
That Mississippi was a goddam land,
Or David Rovics who cries now because of a cluster bomb…
And many other men who are not famous but they are honest…

That is why I’m proud to say
That I’m not the only one,
And this song is my own tribute
To all these special artists
And me, I am a mixture of all of them
Who also tries to embrace jazz
And some other kinds of music.

And I’m glad because like me many people
Believe in a big ideal of true Justice
And that is why we can get that this ideal
Becomes the most precious reality…

And I’m glad because like me many people
Believe in a big ideal of true Justice
And that is why we can get that this ideal
Becomes the most precious reality…

inviata da Carles Viadel - 3/12/2008 - 19:53

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