
I'm Going To Say It Now

Phil Ochs
Lingua: Inglese

Phil Ochs

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Lyrics and music by Phil Ochs
Testo e musica di Phil Ochs
Album: "Phil Ochs In Concert"

Il brano che apre "Phil Ochs In Concert".

"Credo che possa starci qui, insieme a "Me Gustan Los ]" e "Vamos, Estudiantes!"... [Alessandro]

Ci sta, ci sta, Alessandro...però, a differenza delle altre due canzoni, che contengono precisi riferimenti antimilitaristi, questa non li ha. E' una canzone di ribellione giovanile. La mettiamo negli "Extra" per questo motivo, ma comunque ce la mettiamo... [CCG/AWS Staff]
Oh, I am just a student, sir, and I only want to learn
But it's hard to read through the rising smoke of the books that you like to burn
So I'd like to make a promise and I'd like to make a vow
That when I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now.

Oh, you've given me a number and you've taken off my name
To get around this campus, why, I'd almost need a plane
And you're supporting Chiang-Kai-Shek, while I'm supporting Mao
So when I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now.

I wish that you'd make up your mind, I wish that you'd decide
That I should live as freely as those who live outside
Cause we also are entitled to the rights to be endowed
And when I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now.

Oh, you'd like to be my father, you'd like to be my dad
And give me kisses when I'm good and spank me when I'm bad
But since I left my parents, I've forgotten how to bow
So, when I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now.

And things they might be different if I was here alone
But I've got a friend or two who no longer live at home
And we'll respect our elders, just as long as they'll allow
That when I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now.

I've read of other countries where the students take a stand;
They've even helped to overthrow the leaders of the land
Now I wouldn'r go so far to say we're also learning how
But when I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now.

So keep right on a-talking, and tell us what to do
But if nobody listens, my apologies to you
And I know that you were younger once, cause you sure are older now
And when I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now.

Oh, I am just a student, sir, and I only want to learn
But its hard to read through the rising smoke of the books that you like to burn
So I'd like to make a promise and I'd like to make a vow
That when I've got something to say, sir, I'm going to say it now.

inviata da Alessandro - 18/11/2008 - 11:33

Okkei, Staff, I agree... but "it's hard to read through the rising smoke of the books that you like to burn" mi ricorda molto "Fahrenheit 451" e il rogo nazista dei libri nel 1933... quindi, direi che in questa canzone c'è qualcosa di più di un generico ribellismo giovanile...

L'osservazione è giustissima e si potrebbe, inoltre, dire che la ribellione giovanile espressa nella canzone va di pari passo con tutti i movimenti di quel periodo (per i diritti civili, contro la guerra nel Vietnam...); ad ogni modo, è sempre bene ricordare che la categoria degli "Extra" è provvisoria di per sé, e che non sarebbe certamente, questa, la prima canzone che prima o poi ne esce...[RV]

18/11/2008 - 22:03

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