

The Offspring
Langue: anglais

The Offspring

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Hammerhead, copertina del singolo

Lyrics and music by Offspring
Testo e musica di Offspring
Album: "Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace"

The Offspring - primarily Dexter Holland and Noodles Wasserman is a west coast punk band that has achieved mainstream success consistently since the mid 1980s. The band's latest outing, Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace, is in my opinion, one of their strongest records. This is the Offspring in full force, harking back to the a lot of the earlier work. There is no goofy stuff here. The songs are urgent, well thought out and frankly, good.

Frantic guitar playing, staccato drumming, catchy hooks, a driving riffs basically fill the record. These are not simplistic 3 chord punk songs, but really much better arrangements. There is variety of urgency, mood and tone.

The highlight of the album is Hammerhead - an anti war song sung from the point of view of a soldier. The Offspring avoid cliches and simplistic lyrics instead opting for more creative ways to get their point across. The breakdown in Hammerhead is rock and roll genius - it's not complicated - just good.
(from Rich's Music Blog)
I am the one,
Camouflage and guns,
Risk my life
To keep my people from harm

Vested in me
I sacrifice
With my brothers in arms

Through this doorway,
What's on the other side?
Never knowing
Exactly what I'll find
Locked and loaded
Voices screaming
Let's go!
Come on do it!
Here we go

I'll take a life
That others may live
Oh that's just the way it goes
I'll shut my eyes
It hammers in my head
Where it'll end
Nobody knows

I'll take a life
Ten others may live
Oh that's just the way it goes
It's playing over and over in my head
Where it'll end
Nobody knows

Stay the course
Reasonable force
I believe I serve a greater good

Smoke and dust
Enemies are crushed
Nothing left
Where a man once stood

Through this doorway,
What's on the other side?
Never knowing
Exactly what I'll find
Locked and loaded,
Voices screaming
Let's go
I'm just doing what I'm told

I'll take a life
That others may live
Oh that's just the way it goes
Shut my eyes
It hammers in my head
Where it'll end
Nobody knows

I'll take this life
Ten others may live
Oh that's just the way it goes
It's playing over and over in my head
Where it begins
And where it'll end
Nobody knows

Bang, bang, It hammers in my head!
Bang, bang, It hammers in my head!
Bang, bang, It hammers in my head!
In my head
In my head

Yea, Though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I fear no evil:
for Thou art with me

Locked and loaded
Gonna find my truth now
I'm busting through
All hell breaks loose

And you can all hide behind your desks now
And you can cry 'teacher come help me!'
Through you all
My aim is true!

My aim is true!
My aim is true!

envoyé par daniela -k.d.- - 10/11/2008 - 20:44

Questa "Hammerhead" non è soltanto - e non tanto - una CCG cantata dal punto di vista di un soldato. Il tema è quello delle stragi nelle scuole, molto frequenti negli USA. La più famosa di tutte - ma nemmeno la più tragica - è forse quella evvenuta alla Columbine High School di Denver, Colorado, nel 1999 e analizzata acutamente da Michael Moore nel suo film "Bowling for Columbine".

E il punto di vista accolto dagli Offspring è proprio lo stesso di Moore: tra le cause dell'altissima percentuale di episodi di "gun violence" negli USA, di cui sempre più spesso sono protagonisti minorenni, vi sono anche la mentalità imperialista, l'ideologia iperpatriottica distorta, la libera vendita di armi di ogni tipo e la supremazia della lobby industriale militare che finiscono col permeare la società.

Il video distopico che accompagna il brano, con quegli uccelli neri che poi sono aerei "Stealth" e maiali e cani robotici di orwelliana memoria, vuole proprio sottolineare la stretta connessione tra l'esplosione della follia violenta del singolo e la violenza intrinseca ad una nazione che dalle sue origini non ha mai smesso di armarsi e di armare.

Bernart Bartleby - 16/6/2015 - 09:24

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