
Chimp In A 3 Piece Suit

The King Blues
Lingua: Inglese

The King Blues

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Un brano dedicato all'accoppiata di guerrafondai Bush-Blair.
Him a handing out to you a just one solution,
A new revolution of a mass execution.
Smart bomb in the hand of stupidity,
I didn't know that this was hereditary.
Him a one man Texas chainsaw massacre,
If you're gonna vote him in to be your governor.
But you nah need vote when wi Jeb it's won,
Him a kill, him a steal, him a lie, him a bomb.

Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit Lord,
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit.
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit Lord,
A man, a monkey in a 3 piece suit.
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit Lord,
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit.
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit Lord,
A man, a monkey in a 3 piece suit.

Him say that there ain't no money for education,
This a two step back in progress of creation.
Now we see you're not afraid to cheat and lie,
Sexing up the propaganda on you're alibi.
Him a smug bastard and you know that I hate him,
Head up the buttock of a backward nation.
I can decide for myself what I think is wrong,
When him a kill, him a steal, him a lie, him a bomb.

Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit Lord,
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit.
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit Lord,
A man, a monkey in a 3 piece suit.
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit Lord,
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit.
Him a chimp in a 3 piece suit Lord,
A man, a monkey in a 3 piece suit.

inviata da Alessandro - 17/10/2008 - 21:47

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