
Cops of the World

Ryan Harvey
Lingua: Inglese

Ryan Harvey

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Album: Iraq: Songs of Life and Death (2003)

Sung to the tune of "Cops of the World" by Phil Ochs.
Come and join in our war, kids
Come and join in our war
You'd best be asking more, kids
You'd best be asking more
The commander in chief is a man of his word
So you'd best forget all those rumors you've heard
And so what if most of the victims were Kurds
Because we're the cops of the world, kids
We're the cops of the world

So fly the flag nice and high, kids
Fly the flag nice and high
Or we'll call the FBI, kids
Or we'll call the FBI
We must protect the Homeland with all that we've got
So peaceful protesters will have to be shot
But we'll find them guilty right there on the spot
Because we're the cops of the world, kids
We're the cops of the world

And at the massacres end, kids
At the massacres end
We'll play it on CNN, kids
We'll play it on CNN
And we'll document all the wars that we make
And fill you with news that's totally fake
And then act as if there was nothing at stake
Because we're the cops of the world, kids
We're the cops of the world

And if your country is poor, kids
If your country is poor
You'd better lock up your door, kids
You'd better lock up your door
We'll send in the World Bank to throw you some loans
And when they destroy you we'll bury your bones
And if you dissent we will tap all your phones
Because we're the cops of the world, kids
We're the cops of the world

And if an attack hits our land, kids
If an attack hits our land
We'll exploit it to further our plans, kids
We'll exploit it to further our plans
And we'll stand on the ashes and laugh at your tears
And we'll declare terror and generate fears
But we'll fund Bin Laden for 20 odd years
Because we're the cops of the world, kids
We're the cops of the world

So take it all with a smile, kids
Take it all with a smile
We'll go down in style, kids
We'll go down in style
We'll spend half your taxes on tanks, bombs, and guns
And spend all the rest rigging elections
And filling foreign children with uranium
Because we're the cops of the world, kids
We're the cops of the world

So we will select Bush again, kids
We'll select Bush again
And he will get his revenge, kids
He will get his revenge
We have to pay Boeing for making our planes
So we'll bomb any country that won't play our game
And then treat our people exactly the same
Because we're the cops of the world, kids
We're the cops of the world.

inviata da giorgio - 2/10/2008 - 19:47

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