
Guns Before Butter

Gang Of Four
Lingua: Inglese

Gang Of Four

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Da "Entertainment!", album di debutto della band di Leeds (1979)

Gang of Four

Il testo si riferisce ai pilastri della "filosofia" nazista, in particolare, e di quella militarista, in generale: il "sangue e acciaio" di Bismarck che divenne più tardi il "sangue e terra" di Hitler. Fu poi il boia Hermann Goering a coniare il celebre motto: "I cannoni ci renderanno potenti; il burro ci farà soltanto diventare grassi."
All this talk of blood and iron
Is the cause of all my shaking
All this talk of blood and iron
Is the cause of all my shaking
All this talk of blood and iron
Is the cause of all my shaking

All this talk of blood and iron
It's the cause of all my shaking
The fatherland's no place to die for
It makes me want to run out shaking
I hear some talk of guns and butter
That's something we can do without
If men are only blood and iron
O Doktor Doktor, what's in my shirt?

Just keep quiet, no room for doubt

I'm hearing talk of joy in labour
I'll tell you this you can leave me out
The motherland's no place to cry for
I want some sand to hide my head in
I'm hearing talk of strength in labour
That's something I can do without
If I'm only blood and iron
O Doktor Doktor, what's in my shirt

Just keep quiet, no room for doubt

All this talk of blood and iron
It's the cause of all my shaking
The fatherland's no place to cry for
It makes me want to run out shouting
I hear some talk of guns and butter
That's something I can do without
If men are only blood and iron
O Doktor Doktor, what's in my shirt?

Just keep quiet, no room for doubt.

inviata da Alessandro - 1/8/2008 - 09:25

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