

Hair (Musical)
Langue: anglais

Hair (Musical)

Liste des versions

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Wichita Vortex Sutra #3
(Allen Ginsberg)
Let The Sunshine In / The Flesh Failures
(Hair (Musical))
When You Gonna Bring Our Soldiers Home
(Skeeter Davis)


Pacifism pervades the book and score. The theme of opposition to the war is unified by the plot thread that progresses consistently through the book – Claude's moral dilemma over whether to burn his draft card. This theme is most intensely explored in the extended trip sequence in Act 2. The lyrics to "Three-Five-Zero-Zero", which is sung during that sequence, evoke the horrors of war ("ripped open by metal explosion") and point a finger at the Vietnam War directly when the tribe sing "256 Vietcong captured".

The song is based on Allen Ginsberg's 1966 poem, "Wichita Vortex Sutra". In the poem, General Maxwell Taylor proudly reports to the press the number of enemy soldiers killed in one month, repeating it digit by digit, for effect: "Three-Five-Zero-Zero." The song starts begins with images of death and dying and turns into a manic dance number, ironically celebrating the killing in an echo of Maxwell's glee at reporting the enemy casualties.

The song also includes the repeated phrase "prisoners in niggertown it's a dirty little war"

Ripped open by metal explosion
Caught in barbed wire
Bullet shock
Throbbing meat
Electronic data processing
Black uniforms
Bare feet, carbines
Mail-order rifles
Shoot the muscles
256 Viet Cong captured
256 Viet Cong captured

Prisoners in Niggertown
It's a dirty little war
Three Five Zero Zero
Take weapons up and begin to kill
Watch the long long armies drifting home

28/6/2008 - 23:31

Langue: finnois

Traduzione finlandese / Finnish translation / Suomennos: Esko Elstelä
3 - 5 - 0 - 0

Sai sydämeen kiväärin kuulan,
piikkilankaan tarttui, paleltui.
Fosforipommin polttama
hiiltyy, tuhkaa jää.
Vie ohjusta sähköaivot,
käy sotilaat paljain jaloin.
Tuo posti kiväärin, siis tähtää!
Kaksisataaviisitoista vietkongia paloi,
kaksisataaviisitoista vietkongia paloi.

Saastainen, mitätön, kurja, paska sota tää
kolme, viisi, nolla, nolla.
Siis aseisiin, ala tappaa vaan,
suuri armeija käy kotiinpäin.

Sai sydämeen kiväärin kuulan,
piikkilankaan tarttui, paleltui.
Fosforipommin polttama
hiiltyy, tuhkaa jää.
Sähköaivot ohjaa.

envoyé par Juha Rämö - 10/5/2015 - 10:50

The 3-5-0-0 number is not enemy soldiers killed in one month, it is the # of US soldiers sent to Vietname in March, 1965 accompanied by the same # of body bags in that plane's cargo hold, expecting none to return alive.


"3-5-0-0 Reference: What exactly does 3500 stand for?

Thanks to Justin for this information about the song 3-5-0-0, direct from the mouth of James Rado (co-author of Hair):

'3500 is the number of Marines sent on March 8,1965 as the US enter the Vietnam War. The bulk cargo on that flight? 3500 body bags. The military assumed loss of every single one of those soldiers even prior to that deployment. Jim heard that and it irked him to no end. Some re-writes he’s done have actually included the word body bags after “dirty little war, 3500.' "

Linda Montalbano - 11/11/2016 - 21:20

I'm looking for a German version of this song.
If you find one, please put it here. Thank you, Hansi

Hansi - 11/2/2019 - 19:43

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