
Who's Gonna Build Your Wall

Tom Russell
Langue: anglais

Tom Russell

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La "Border Fence", costruita dagli USA sul confine con il Messico per contrastare l'immigrazione clandestina, con i suoi oltre 3.000 km di sviluppo fa impallidire il Muro di Berlino, la Muraglia di Difesa israeliana in Palestina ed il confine fortificato tra le due Coree ed è forse seconda soltanto alla Grande Muraglia cinese, con i suoi quasi 9.000 km, costruiti però nel corso di una dozzina di secoli...
La "Border Fence" è stata incrementata soprattutto negli ultimi anni e quanto più essa cresce tanti più sono i migranti che trovano la morte nel tentativo di superarla: tra il 1998 e il 2004, secondo i dati della US Border Patrol, i morti sono stati un paio di migliaia, con un incremento costante negli ultimi anni... Molti sono stati assassinati dalle guardie di frontiera o dai vigilantes o dai "coyotes", come vengono chiamati i locali mercanti di esseri umani... [Alessandro]

The Golden State Fence Company has been fined $5 million for hiring illegal immigrants. The firm working on the US-Mexico Border Fence will not only pay a major fine, but two of its executives will have to serve jail time for the hirings. About a third of Golden State Fence Company’s 750 workers are illegals and the company was repeatedly caught with lots of undocumented workers on the payroll, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
I got 800 miles of open border
Right outside my door
There's minute men in little pickup trucks
Who declared their own dang war.

Now the government wants to build
A barrier like old Berlin, 8 feet tall
But if Uncle Sam sends the illegals home
Who's gonna build the wall?

Who's gonna build your wall, boys?
Who's gonna mow your lawn?
Who's gonna cook your Mexican food
When your Mexican maid is gone?

Who's gonna wax your floors tonight
Down at the local mall?
Who's gonna wash your baby's face?
Who's gonna build your wall?

Now I ain't got no politics
So don't lay that rap on me
Left wing, right wing, up wing, down wing
I see strip malls from sea to shining sea

It's the fat cat white developer
Who's created this whole damn squale
It's the pyramid scheme of dirty jobs
And who's gonna build your wall?

Who's gonna build your wall, boys?
Who's gonna mow your lawn?
Who's gonna cook your Mexican food
When your Mexican maid is gone?

Who's gonna wax your floors tonight
Down at the local mall?
Who's gonna wash your baby's face?
Who's gonna build your wall?

We've got fundamentalist muslims
We've got fundamentalist jews
We've got fundamentalist Christians
That'll blow the whole thing up for you.

But as I travel around this big old world
There's one thing that I most fear
It's a white man in a golf shirt
With a cell phone in his ear.

Who's gonna build your wall, boys?
Who's gonna mow your lawn
Who's gonna cook your Mexican food
When your Mexican maid is gone?

Who's gonna wax your floors tonight
Down at the local mall?
Who's gonna wash your baby's face?
Who's gonna build your wall?

envoyé par Marcia - 13/6/2008 - 11:26

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