
Did You Hear What They Said?

Gil Scott-Heron
Lingua: Inglese

Gil Scott-Heron

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Da "Free Will" (1972)
Did you hear what they said?
Did you hear what they said?
Did you hear what they said?
They said another brother's dead,
They said he's dead... but he can't be buried,
They said he's dead... but he can't be buried,
Come on, come on, come on, come on
this can't be real!

Did you hear what they said?
Did you hear what they said?
Did you hear what they said?
They said,they shot him in his head,
a shot in the head to save his country,
a shot in the head to save his country,
Come on, come on, come on, come on
this can't be real!

Did you hear what they said?
Yeah, did you hear what they said?
Did you hear what they said?
About his mother and how she cried,
They said she cried,'cause her only son was dead
They said she cried,'cause her only son was dead
Woman, could you imagine if your only son was dead
And somebody told you he couldn't be buried?
hey, hey, come on, come on, come on, come on
this can't be real!

inviata da Alessandro - 18/3/2008 - 08:39

Scritta da Gil Scott-Heron con il polistrumentista Brian Robert Jackson, all'epoca tastierista del suo gruppo.

Una canzone che andrebbe inserita nei percorsi sulla guerra in Vietnam vista dagli USA e sul razzismo.

Infatti, nonostante il lungo cammino el movimento per i diritti civili, quelli erano ancora gli anni in cui negli USA potevano leggersi titoli come questo:

"White-only cemetery refuses Viet veteran

FORT PIERCE (Florida), 1970 Aug. 24 - Dexter Williams, a 20-year-old negro killed in Vietnam, had a fine funeral yesterday, but no one knows when or where he will be buried."

Bernart Bartleby - 12/2/2017 - 11:32

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