Bombs to settle arguments, the order of the boot
Can you hear them crying in the rubble of Beirut?
I can still see people dying, now who takes the blame?
the numbers are different, the crime is still the same
From the graves of Belsen where the innocent were burned
To the genocide in Beirut, Israel was nothing learned?
I can still hear people crying, now who takes the blame?
The numbers are different, the crime is still the same
Bombs to settle arguments, the order of the boot
From the graves of Belsen, to the ruins of Beirut
I can still see people dying, now who takes the blame?
The numbers are different, the crime is still the same.
Can you hear them crying in the rubble of Beirut?
I can still see people dying, now who takes the blame?
the numbers are different, the crime is still the same
From the graves of Belsen where the innocent were burned
To the genocide in Beirut, Israel was nothing learned?
I can still hear people crying, now who takes the blame?
The numbers are different, the crime is still the same
Bombs to settle arguments, the order of the boot
From the graves of Belsen, to the ruins of Beirut
I can still see people dying, now who takes the blame?
The numbers are different, the crime is still the same.
envoyé par Alessandro - 10/3/2008 - 09:47
Gli Specials nel 1984, mettendo a confronto il genocidio degli ebrei d'Europa ad opera dei nazisti con lo stillicidio di morti palestinesi nei decenni (oggi ormai oltre 40 anni o addirittura 60, a seconda che si parta dal 1948 o dal 1967...) di occupazione militare israeliana, osavano dire quello che oggi non si può più dire senza essere bollati come antisemiti: "i numeri sono differenti, ma il crimine è lo stesso".
Sono d'accordo con gli Specials.