
So Pretty

Comden & Green
Language: English

Comden & Green

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Lyrics by Codmen & Green
Music by Leonard Bernstein

"So Pretty" is a 1968 anti-war song by Leonard Bernstein to lyrics by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, contributed to a Broadway for Peace fundraiser on January 21, 1968, at Lincoln Center's Philharmonic Hall.

The song was performed by Barbra Streisand dressed in a gingham smock and fisherman's hat and accompanied by the composer at the piano.
We were learning in our school today
All about a country far away,
Full of lovely temples painted gold,
Modern cities, jungles ages old.
And the people are so pretty there,
Shining smiles, and shiny eyes and hair . . .
Then I had to ask my teacher why
War was making all those people die.
They're so pretty, so pretty.
Then my teacher said, and took my hand,
"They must die for peace, you understand."
But they're so pretty, so pretty.
I don't understand.

2008/2/19 - 21:45

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