
Swearing The Truth

Richard Marot
Langue: anglais

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The judgments are hidden
behind the heypocrasy
The judges of the life
are full of lies
The kings and presidents
forgot what the truth means.

With this vision about the truth,
I can draw the disasters
of the past, the present
and our sad future.
They are thieves who say that
they have never stolen anything
They are lonely priests who say
that their solitude is holy
They are judges who agree
the truth, and they forget their lies
they can deceive themselves
but the truth is always the same.

They never swore the truth
they were always well hidden
under the horrible lies
but, if they had sworn the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
a great door of hope & truth
should be completely opened
but this door is always closed
swearing the truth
is not possible,
under the heypocrasy.

The congressmen & senators
forgot what the honesty meaned
and that honesty is eternally dead
The prophet chose the false way,
The merchants said the illegal trade
is completely right
the wealthy men said
poverty didn’t exist.
And the truth is always well hidden.

The presidents swore to the judge
in several judgments
and in several trials
and under the power of the bible
that they would say the truth
but the truth is always well hidden
and the judges ignored it.
Full of lie, they deceive the people
and the trials were like a play.
Meanwhile the people died.
meanwhile the people died.
However they only deceived

Because the truth,
is always the same truth.

They never swore the truth
they were always well hidden
under the horrible lies
but, if they had sworn the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
a great door of hope & truth
should be completely opened
but this door is always closed
swearing the truth
is not possible,
under their heypocrasy.

We just have listened all these men
telling all their selfish lies,
But what can we do after that ?
We must hope the real truth
and that truth someday will come
to bury their heypocrasy
of the « great » authorities
The policemen, the congressmen
the presidents and kings
the powerful men
and every politician
will be judged and damned
for their lies and their faults
and we shall breathe the new peace
because we shall put the blame
on them, on them, just on them ...

And the truth will rise
like the sun rises everyday.
We will find the truth someday
because we will find Honesty
a paradise of honesty
under the terrible heypocrasy
and they will swear the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
we will open
the door of hope
and it will be never closed,
we will reach the truth,
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth
swearing the truth,
but the truth was never sworn
and the lies were always sworn.

envoyé par C. Viadel - 2/2/2008 - 20:44

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