
Promise Land

Richard Marot
Lingua: Inglese

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Promise Land, Promise Land...
Has anybody seen that dream?
Has anybody touched that Illusion?
I'm too blind to see that beautiful land,
Promise Land, Promise Land...
I think that Death is in the fascist hand!

If the gods of that Heaven are the same from here,
I don't believe that petrol and guns will help us
I don't believe that War will be a fair sight
I beleive that the image will be a dark night
And we shall never begin to see the light
Because this nightmare has alredy started
All around this ugly world beside the Hell
I'm sure that we could die isnside the worst well!

Promise Land, Promise Land...
Has anybody seen that dream?
Has anybody touched that Illusion?
I'm too blind to see that beautiful land,
Promise Land, Promise Land...
I think that Death is in the fascist hand!

We are closer to Hell than to the Heaven
I think that probably we have already fallen
And we are fallen angels searching an exit
The most hidden exit from this ugly world
But petrol and guns are our almighty lords
And war shall be always our own Hell
Despite I know that I get nothing with my words
Because we are already closer to that hell,
I shall continue my fight in this shameless land.

Promise Land, Promise Land...
Has anybody seen that dream?
Has anybody touched that Illusion?
I'm too blind to see that beautiful land,
Promise Land, Promise Land...
I think that Death is in the fascist hand!
And that's why there's no Promise Land...

But despite all this Sad Punishment,
I hope that we find a fair exit someday...

inviata da C. Viadel - 1/2/2008 - 14:54

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