
Vanished Nightmare

Richard Marot
Language: English

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For wars as The Vietnam War.
With the sinner tongue of politicians
Their hatred has killed all the American
All the men are tired and dreadful
In the long blackhole of this sad well

Wisdom's a hidden eye buried inside a hole
Everybody has lost his own soul
Hurricane of wars, winds of tears
We shall die in these sad years

An eternal rain brings the war
I don't write this soft song
For the people who are lovers
I don't write this sad ballad
For all the men who are the winners

That's another kind of vision
It's Our Vanished Nightmare!

Our lost dreams shall not be glad
No matter who wins to be against the war
I didn't ever mind our false heros
War has always been the same despair
We've always died in this world which is not fair

Many times I felt the same fear in my chair
I don't care who were the winners
I don't care who were the lovers
I only think about the dead.

We find this end in the Asian lands
And all this war in the long horizon
And It remains inside my own sad song
But I can't say that I'd want to forget
All the words which are already sworn
Those words are cruel like the fire
This World War is a broken wire

That's another kind of vision
It's Our Vanished Nightmare!

War has been our worst illness
But it has not been because of victories
And not because we've never been overcome
And not because of the Final Defeat
We are only the same sad sigh of eternity.

But that's another kind of vision,
It's always the same Vanished Nightmare!
An we are tired and we're in despair
In our desperation's sea which is not fair
The end could be the death of human race.
In our War which is cold ยด
And in our Death which is too cruel.

Contributed by C.Viadel - 2007/12/29 - 20:48

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