
20th Century Blues

Marianne Faithfull
Lingua: Inglese

Marianne Faithfull

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Da un brano scritto da Noël Coward per la sua opera teatrale "Cavalcade" del 1931, poi nell'omonimo film del 1933.


Title track dell'album della Faithfull pubblicato nel 1996.

[[|20th Century Blues]

Testo trovato su Genius
Molte le versioni.
Credo che le prime siano quelle di Binnie Barnes e di Jack Payne, risalenti proprio al 1931.

Forse la canzone andrebbe attribuita al suo autore, ma preferisco proporla in morte della Faithfull.
Why is it that civilized humanity
Can make the world so wrong?
In this hurly-burly of insanity
Our dreams cannot last long

We've reached a deadline
A press headline
Every sorrow
Blues value
Is news value

Blues -
Twentieth century blues
Are getting me down
Blues -
Escape those weary
Twentieth century blues

If there's a God in the sky
Why shouldn't He grin
Above this dreary
Twentieth century din?

In this strange illusion
Chaos and confusion
People seem to lose their way
What is there to strive for
Love or keep alive for
Say, 'Hey, hey!'
Call it a day?

Blues -
Nothing to win or to lose
It's getting me down
Blues -
Escape those weary
Twentieth century blues

We've reached a deadline
A press headline
Every sorrow
Blues value
Is news value

Blues -
Nothing to win or to lose
It's getting me down
Blues -
Escape those dreary
Twentieth century

31/1/2025 - 18:13

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