
Angel of Marye's Heights

Lonnie Glass
Lingua: Inglese

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Chapter Of Night
[[|Chapter Of Night]
Chapter Of Night is a retrospective of the "Great Divide" known as The Civil War which took place in America between April 12, 1861 and April 14, 1865.
The War pitted the Northern Industrial society with its crowded immigrant poulations stretching the boundaries westward into new territories and the static Southern Aggrarian life of Plantations and slave labour. It became clear that the anathema of Slavery could not continue.
Two worlds colliding with a winner take all outcome.
The South had 18,000 factories to the North's 100,000. The population of The South was 10 million, 3 million which were slaves.
This CD does not villify the vanquished nor praise the victor. It merely tells stories of the struggles and courage of this most terrible tragedy.
It brings into sharp focus the need for critical thinking in order to avoid history's mistakes and prevent the repeat of such a catastrophy.

Sgt. Kirkland, part of Kershaw's Brigade(Confederacy) at Fredericksburg, brought water to the dying and suffering Union soldiers who lay at "The Wall" (2/3 of all casualties in Fredericksburg happened here). Not a musket was raised as he walked around aiding the dying men
there's a stone wall in Fredericksburg
stood about 4 foot high
Waves of Blue broke like water on it
thousands lay suffering and dyin'

General Burnside you're in my sights
your men have nowhere to hide
though 5,000 shells of Silver rain
pour from the Rapihannock riverside

i recall an angel
with wings of water he came
every sight was lowered, as if
Jesus had come to heal the pain

as victory grew tighter in Lee's grasp
he was heard to respond
it is well that war is a terrible thing
or of this we'd become too fond

In Washington it was much criticized
the Generals were unaware
Lincoln, heartbroke was heard to retort
if ther'e s a worse place than hell, i am there!!

i recall an angel
with wings of water he came
every sight was lowered, as if it were
Jesus come to heal the pain

Kirkland was a compassionate man
without cease-fire or truce to rely
while he walked no one raised his sights
to see if an angel could die

i recall an angel
with wings of water he came
every sight was lowered, as if it were
Jesus come to heal the pain

inviata da Dq82 - 6/12/2024 - 17:40

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