
The Day We Drank the Nazis Out to Town

The Young 'uns
Lingua: Inglese

The Young 'uns

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Residents in Ostritz buying the beer
Residents in Ostritz buying the beer

Residents in an eastern German town found a novel way of protesting against neo-Nazis – by buying up beer.
Their action at the weekend was aimed at fans attending a far-right German rock festival called Schild und Schwert Festival (Shield and Sword or SS) in Ostritz, a small town in Saxony on the German-Polish border.
Police had seized 4,400 liters of beer from festival-goers after an alcohol ban was imposed by a court near Dresden, which ruled the event had an "aggressive character". The court felt there was a risk that alcohol could make violence more likely.

But locals suspected that fans heading to the festival – known for "Rechtsrock" music, which promotes white nationalism – would head to the supermarket instead to stock up on alcohol.
So they reacted by buying up more than 200 crates of beer, leaving the festival attendees thirsty.
An Ostritz activist, Georg Salditt, told German daily Bild: "The plan was devised a week in advance. We wanted to dry the Nazis out. We thought, if an alcohol ban is coming, we'll empty the shelves at (the German supermarket chain) Penny.”
Germany's Süddeutsche Zeitung daily estimated that 500-600 fans attended the festival, compared with some 1,200 last year.
About 1,400 police were deployed at the festival, including hundreds from other parts of Germany. Saxony regional police said the operation went smoothly and there were just a few minor incidents.
Now locals in Ostritz, a town of about 2,300, are being praised for their action. A commentary in Spiegel ran with the headline, "Prost, Ostritz!" (cheers, Ostritz).
Tensions have been flaring up in Germany – and in the eastern state of Saxony in particular – following Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to keep borders open during the height of the refugee crisis in 2015.
A series of far-right demonstrations rocked the Saxon city of Chemnitz last year.
"We are glad that we were able to set an example of civic action," Michael Schlitt, one of the organizers of the protest in Ostritz told DPA.
And now the locals have a lot of beer stored up, they are planning their own festival. "We will have a wonderful celebration shortly," said Schlitt.
We were ready, we were waiting
for that friday night to come
our plan was put in place
our daring deed was done
to the german town of our streets
then neo-nazis came
for right-wing rock and racism
but we would stop their game
we all got together every woman every man
we concocted what we thought
it was a rather cunning plan
but there is strength in our community
but we will not use force
we'll employ a different method
we will cut them off at source

but if we can't take away the hatred
their anger or their fear
we can take away their locker
we can take away their beer
we've bought every cannon crate
and we will grind those bastards down
and we'll drink to the day we drank
the nazis out to town

well it was heil heil up and down
the shopping aisle
but then the news began to spread
and so wiped away their smiles
whereas the advisor yelled the festival organizer
but the shelves are only stocked
with lemonade and apple tizer
and the mood went sour
and the air turned blue
and confusion rained when someone railed
when's the be a jew
well those neo-nazis
begged in fairness
some were quite polite
they shouted bitter bitter bitter
all throughout the night

we can't take away the hatred
their anger or their fear
we can take away their locker
we can take away their beer
we've bought every cannon crate
and we will grind those bastards down
and we'll drink to the day we drank
the nazis out to town

we made sure they were parched
they didn't get a drink
we tested their resolve
we pushed them to the brick
we sent out a clear message
that it's time to sober up
if you're preaching racial hatred
I'm afraid you're not in luck
and they all bug it off
and this heart will not be missed
then we had a massive party
and got absolutely pissed

we can't take away the history
their anger or their fear
we can take away their locker
we can take away their beer
we've bought every cannon crate
and we will grind those bastards down
and we'll drink to the day
and we'll drink to the day

when there is no more hatred
no more anger
no more fear and racism
and bigotry will all have disappeared
and everywhere we look we see
the walls keep coming down
and will drink to that day
we drank the nazis out to town

inviata da Dq82 - 27/8/2024 - 10:43

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