
Boots of a Soldier

Ani DiFranco
Lingua: Inglese

Ani DiFranco

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Unprecedented Sh!t
Unprecedented Sh!t
I wear the boots of a soldier
whose name was Slidell
and my foot fits inside them
really quite well
and I wonder about the stories
these boots could tell
did Slidell live or die?
did their mama cry
and go through hell?

Ten years my senior
and a hundred or so
this guitar that I’m strumming
neath this weeping willow
and it boggles the mind
all the passing of time
and the mysteries that abound
elude and confound you
all the stories you’ll never know

In your tiny little umwelt
just livin' the dream
learnin' that how you see things
is just how they seem
and you could think of some ways
that happy could get hard to do
but there’s never not more
so, i would say, if you’re bored
that’s on you

inviata da Dq82 - 23/6/2024 - 10:31

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