
If a Song Could Raise an Army

David Rovics
Lingua: Inglese

David Rovics

Lista delle versioni e commenti

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If a song could bring us together
Across the planet that gave us birth
To act as one, bring peace and justice
All around this shattered Earth
If a song could take down borders
Take down fences, make them fall
Liberate all those imprisoned
Kept behind the ghetto walls

If a song could stop the bombs
So the next might be the last
If a song could change the future
So it won’t be like the past
If a song could be a missile
Fired from the Iron Dome
If it could protect the children
Keep them safe within their homes

If a song could raise an army
And transport it on command
Take us all to Palestine
To defend the Holy Land
If a song could be concrete
And put to use to rebuild
If it might turn back the clock
Bring back all the babies killed

If a song could be a blueprint
Instructions to show us how
If a song could change the world
Then let us do it now
If a song could bring us together
Across the planet that gave us birth
To act as one, bring peace and justice
All around this shattered Earth

inviata da Dq82 - 4/5/2024 - 09:31

Per quanto io condivida quasi tutta la "poetica" di Rovics, la sua esagerata prolificità, insieme ai suoi oggettivi limiti musicali, mi infastidisce...

La stessa sensazione che mi restituiscono le "canzoni" di Marco Valdo MI, pure lui prolificissimo, e senza neppure proporsi in musica...

Scrivere così tanto e invano forse soddisfa il loro ego, non certo l'ascoltatore/lettore...

Preferisco sempre la qualità alla quantità.

Parere personale...

πολεμικός - 5/5/2024 - 16:24

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