For war
Correct and normal posture is:
Scoliotic spine fixed in alignment with adopted language
Shoulders slouching under symbolic statistics
Head forward neck perfect for pain
Not standing up against the costs
Sitting down like a desk worker fostering the process
Virtue sleeping
Its fire cliparted
As the Earth's rats plan the process of a safe evacuation
For their own families, children, and pets
While we international siblings are muscled into chairs
To type defective interviews that parfum sad photo shoots
Building an ergonomic blitz to train children
Correct and normal posture is:
Scoliotic spine fixed in alignment with adopted language
Shoulders slouching under symbolic statistics
Head forward neck perfect for pain
Not standing up against the costs
Sitting down like a desk worker fostering the process
Virtue sleeping
Its fire cliparted
As the Earth's rats plan the process of a safe evacuation
For their own families, children, and pets
While we international siblings are muscled into chairs
To type defective interviews that parfum sad photo shoots
Building an ergonomic blitz to train children
Contributed by Daniel Fuller - 2024/4/22 - 11:34
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
See the displayed video for more information.
You can also check out my Medium page to see updates about self-publishing with Friesen Press. Here's the link for the first part in the series:
Making Sense From Nonsense