Ovat neuvottelut päättyneet
Pelkkää tuhlausta kyyneleet
Aseet selkään heitetään
Kasvoilta pelko peitetään
Pahvit ikkunoihin nostetaan
Kenen virheet meille kostetaan
Pienet kädet maksaa sen
Sopuhinnan ylpeyden
Miten lapsille voin opettaa
Riidat saa vain heikot lopettaa
Kunpa kertoo osaisin
Tuleeko isä takaisin
Ja sen minkä vuoksi annetaan
Omat pojat hautaan kannetaan
Ne aarteet mulle näyttäkää
Ja yksi toive täyttäkää
Pelkkää tuhlausta kyyneleet
Aseet selkään heitetään
Kasvoilta pelko peitetään
Pahvit ikkunoihin nostetaan
Kenen virheet meille kostetaan
Pienet kädet maksaa sen
Sopuhinnan ylpeyden
Viekää alta maa
Viekää tähdet
Ja taivaskin päältä
Elämällemme hinnan
Mä nyt laskea koitan
Mä voin kumartaa ketä vaan
Tai voin lähtee täältä
Tuokaa rakkaani takaisin
Vain silloin mä voitan
Viekää tähdet
Ja taivaskin päältä
Elämällemme hinnan
Mä nyt laskea koitan
Mä voin kumartaa ketä vaan
Tai voin lähtee täältä
Tuokaa rakkaani takaisin
Vain silloin mä voitan
Miten lapsille voin opettaa
Riidat saa vain heikot lopettaa
Kunpa kertoo osaisin
Tuleeko isä takaisin
Ja sen minkä vuoksi annetaan
Omat pojat hautaan kannetaan
Ne aarteet mulle näyttäkää
Ja yksi toive täyttäkää
Viekää alta maa
Viekää tähdet
Ja taivaskin päältä
Elämällemme hinnan
Mä nyt laskea koitan
Mä voin kumartaa ketä vaan
Tai voin lähtee täältä
Tuokaa rakkaani takaisin
Vain silloin mä voitan.
Viekää tähdet
Ja taivaskin päältä
Elämällemme hinnan
Mä nyt laskea koitan
Mä voin kumartaa ketä vaan
Tai voin lähtee täältä
Tuokaa rakkaani takaisin
Vain silloin mä voitan.
Contributed by Paolo Rizzi - 2024/4/21 - 08:32
Language: English
English translation / Traduzione inglese / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös
Nota. Si tratta della traduzione inglese fornita da Paolo Rizzi, ma ridisposta in modo da corrispondere al testo originale. Come specificato da Paolo Rizzi, si tratta di una "traduzione automatica"; auspichiamo ovviamente che Juha Rämö voglia prima o poi farne una traduzione inglese a regola d'arte. Si segnala che della canzone esiste una traduzione inglese poetica su Lyricstranslate, ma il traduttore la ha messa sotto copyright. [RV]
Note. This is the English translation provided by Paolo Rizzi, but rearranged to match to the original text. As specified by Paolo Rizzi, this is an "automatic translation"; as a matter of fact, we hope that Juha Rämö will sooner or later make a professional English translation. It should be noted that there is a poetic English translation of the song on Lyricstranslate, but the translator has put it under copyright. [RV]
Note. This is the English translation provided by Paolo Rizzi, but rearranged to match to the original text. As specified by Paolo Rizzi, this is an "automatic translation"; as a matter of fact, we hope that Juha Rämö will sooner or later make a professional English translation. It should be noted that there is a poetic English translation of the song on Lyricstranslate, but the translator has put it under copyright. [RV]
The Price for Pride
The negotiations have ended,
Just a waste of tears.
Weapons are thrown on the back,
Fear is hidden from the face.
The cardboards on the windows are lifted,
Whose mistakes will be avenged on us?
Small hands pay the price
When a fair price for pride is decided.
How can I teach the children?
Only the weak can stop a quarrel.
If only I could tell:
Will dad come back?,
And what it is given for.
We carry our own sons to the grave.
Show me those treasures
And fulfill one’s wish.
The negotiations have ended,
Just a waste of tears.
Weapons are thrown on the back,
Fear is hidden from the face.
The cardboards on the windows are lifted,
Whose mistakes will be avenged on us?
Small hands pay the price
When a fair price for pride is decided.
Take the earth from below,
Take the stars
And the sky above
Now I'm trying to calculate
The price for our lives
I can bow to anyone
Or I can leave here.
Bring back my love,
Only then will I win.
Take the stars
And the sky above
Now I'm trying to calculate
The price for our lives
I can bow to anyone
Or I can leave here.
Bring back my love,
Only then will I win.
How can I teach the children?
Only the weak can stop a quarrel.
If only I could tell:
Will dad come back?,
And what it is given for.
We carry our own sons to the grave.
Show me those treasures
And fulfill one’s wish.
Take the earth from below,
Take the stars
And the sky above
Now I'm trying to calculate
The price for our lives
I can bow to anyone
Or I can leave here.
Bring back my love,
Only then will I win.
Take the stars
And the sky above
Now I'm trying to calculate
The price for our lives
I can bow to anyone
Or I can leave here.
Bring back my love,
Only then will I win.
Contributed by Paolo Rizzi - 2024/4/21 - 10:35
Language: English
English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio: Pääsuke (L. Trans.)
"Questa è una traduzione poetica. Ci possono essere delle differenze rispetto all'originale (parole in più, informazioni mancanti o aggiuntive, concetti modificati, ecc.)." Riprodotta con permesso scritto di Pääsuke esteso a Juha Rämö.
"This is a poetic translation. There may be differences with the original (extra words, missing or additional information, modified concepts, etc.)." Reproduced with written permission by Pääsuke transmitted to Juha Rämö.
"This is a poetic translation. There may be differences with the original (extra words, missing or additional information, modified concepts, etc.)." Reproduced with written permission by Pääsuke transmitted to Juha Rämö.
Copyright © Pääsuke
This translation is protected by copyright law. All rights reserved.
Use on other websites is permitted with proper attribution.
This translation is protected by copyright law. All rights reserved.
Use on other websites is permitted with proper attribution.
A Fair Price for Pride
The negotiations have ended
Crying tears was just a waste
Weapons shouldered
Fear on faces concealed
Windows boarded
Whose mistakes are we paying for?
It's the little ones that have to pay [1]
when a fair price for pride is decided
Take the soil from beneath my feet
Take away the stars
and the sky above
as I'm trying to calculate
a fair price for our lives
I can bow down to anyone
or I can leave this place behind.
Bring back my love,
that's the only way I can win
How can I teach the children
that only the meek [2] are allowed to end rows
I wish I could tell them
whether dad is coming back
and the reason why we sacrfice,
carry our sons to the grave
Those are treasures I want to possess, [3]
and I want one wish to come true
Take the soil from beneath my feet
Take away the stars
and the sky above
as I'm trying to calculate
a fair price for our lives
I can bow down to anyone
or I can leave this place behind.
Bring back my love,
that's the only way I can win.
The negotiations have ended
Crying tears was just a waste
Weapons shouldered
Fear on faces concealed
Windows boarded
Whose mistakes are we paying for?
It's the little ones that have to pay [1]
when a fair price for pride is decided
Take the soil from beneath my feet
Take away the stars
and the sky above
as I'm trying to calculate
a fair price for our lives
I can bow down to anyone
or I can leave this place behind.
Bring back my love,
that's the only way I can win
How can I teach the children
that only the meek [2] are allowed to end rows
I wish I could tell them
whether dad is coming back
and the reason why we sacrfice,
carry our sons to the grave
Those are treasures I want to possess, [3]
and I want one wish to come true
Take the soil from beneath my feet
Take away the stars
and the sky above
as I'm trying to calculate
a fair price for our lives
I can bow down to anyone
or I can leave this place behind.
Bring back my love,
that's the only way I can win.
[1] lit. little hands pay for the fair price of pride.
[2] lit. weak
[3] Understanding the meaning of the above things, probably.
[2] lit. weak
[3] Understanding the meaning of the above things, probably.
Contributed by Juha Rämö - 2024/4/24 - 17:48
@ Juha Rämö
Thank you and please send your thanks to Pääsuke. Going to reproduce Pääsuke’s version.
Thank you and please send your thanks to Pääsuke. Going to reproduce Pääsuke’s version.
Riccardo Venturi - 2024/4/24 - 17:44
Heu, le clavier est défectueux : du finnois ou une langue de par là que je ne connais pas.
Lucien Lane - 2024/4/21 - 09:45
@ Lucien Lâne
Cher Lucien, un peu de patience s’il te plaît. Les pages proposées par Paolo Rizzi sont très interessantes, mais il faut bosser un peu pour les...reconstruire (surtout un beau dimanche matin, quand le chat réclame sa bouffe et un peu de câlins en se foutant pas mal des chansons contre la guerre en général, et en finnois en particulier… :-)
Cher Lucien, un peu de patience s’il te plaît. Les pages proposées par Paolo Rizzi sont très interessantes, mais il faut bosser un peu pour les...reconstruire (surtout un beau dimanche matin, quand le chat réclame sa bouffe et un peu de câlins en se foutant pas mal des chansons contre la guerre en général, et en finnois en particulier… :-)
Riccardo Venturi - 2024/4/21 - 10:06
Caro Paolo Rizzi,
Caro Paolo Rizzi, ecco la mia povera traduzione italiana di intelligenza artificiale di quello che voglio dire: Il nome del direttore di Foglie al vento è Kaurismäki e visto che ci sono i due fratelli Kaurismäki, vorrei che venisse aggiunto il suo nome Aki.
A proposito, il titolo originale finlandese del film, Kuolleet lehdet, è lo stesso della canzone francese Les feuilles mortes di Joseph Kosma e Jacques Prévert. Bella coincidenza.
Caro Paolo Rizzi, ecco la mia povera traduzione italiana di intelligenza artificiale di quello che voglio dire: Il nome del direttore di Foglie al vento è Kaurismäki e visto che ci sono i due fratelli Kaurismäki, vorrei che venisse aggiunto il suo nome Aki.
A proposito, il titolo originale finlandese del film, Kuolleet lehdet, è lo stesso della canzone francese Les feuilles mortes di Joseph Kosma e Jacques Prévert. Bella coincidenza.
Juha Rämö - 2024/4/21 - 10:15
La traduzione l'ho copiata da quella in automatico che si attiva su YouTube cliccando : altro e trascrizione. Ciao.
Paolo Rizzi - 2024/4/21 - 10:49
@Juha Rämö We had to remove the English Translation you contributed since it is the poetic translation from Lyrics Translate and the author clearly stated that "use without the written permission of the author is prohibited.". Could you please provide your own translation?
AWS Staff - 2024/4/22 - 09:01
@AWS Staff
Dear AWS Staff,
I have a written permission of Pääsuke to post his Lyricstranslate translation of the song here.
Dear AWS Staff,
I have a written permission of Pääsuke to post his Lyricstranslate translation of the song here.
Juha Rämö - 2024/4/24 - 17:33
@ Riku Ventturinen
Dear Riccardo,
Please note that I just posted a new version updated by Pääsuke.
Dear Riccardo,
Please note that I just posted a new version updated by Pääsuke.
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Sanat ja sävel / Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique: Anna Karjalainen - Kaisa Karjalainen
Album / Albumi: Maailman onnellisin kansa