
I Want to Go Home

Lingua: Inglese

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Da : Slave Songs of the United States.
New York: A. Simpson & Co., 1867. - Part 1, p.46 , #61

William Francis Allen, (1830-1889), Charles Pickard Ware, (1840-1921), and Lucy McKim Garrison, ( 1842-1877) .

[Verse 7 was added after the Emancipation Proclamation.--J. S. R.]
da: William Francis Allen, (1830-1889), Charles Pickard Ware, (1840-1921), and Lucy McKim Garrison, ( 1842-1877) .
Dere's no rain to wet you.
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

Dere's no sun to burn you,
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

Dere's no hard trials.
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

Dere's no whips a-crackin'.
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

Dere's no stormy weather.
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

Dere's no tribulation.
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

No more slavery in de kingdom.
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

No evil-doers in de kingdom.
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

All is gladness in de kingdom.
O yes, I want to go home,
Want to go home.

inviata da Pluck - 11/4/2024 - 17:10

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