
Wounded Knee Soliloquy

Robbie Basho
Lingua: Inglese

Robbie Basho

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The Voice of the Eagle
Go, bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Go, bury my heart and set her free
Go, bury my heart, so the wolves
And lions won`t tear apart
Go, set her rree

Walking in the wind and the driving rain
In my heart is an aching pain

Please gather my soul in the autumn leaves
Go, wrap my soul in the golden leaves
Go, cover my soul, keep her safe
From the wind and the snow
Don't let her freeze

Waiting, in the warm golden rain
The sweet silent reign of the sun
To come again
Are you ready, my Son
For to ride the rainbow of his light?
I am ready, my father
For to ride this rainbow of your light

inviata da Dq82 - 8/4/2024 - 17:02

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