

Frank & Sean O'Meara
Language: English

Frank & Sean O'Meara

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My Last Farewell
(Frank & Sean O'Meara)
(Andrea Rock & the Rebel Poets)
(Andrea Rock & the Rebel Poets)

The song was written by brothers Frank & Sean O'Meara
Jim McCann, who often played with The Dubliners had the most success with it, but it was also sang by The Wolfe Tones, John McDermott, Barleycorn, and Anthony Kearns to name but a few singers. And at least also Andrea Rock & the Rebel Poets in their Ep "Mnà" (Women).

It was written about Joseph Plunket and Grace Gifford who married hours before Joseph was executed for his part in the 1916 rising in Dublin

Tom Clarke was a source of inspiration in the Post Office.
There was Joseph Plunket, pale and weak having come directly from the hospital where he had just undergone an operation.Joseph was shot seated, as he was too ill to stand for the firing squad.
He struggled to be with his comrades on that eventful morning. Margaret Skinnider said he looked like death and he met his death a few days later, not a natural one but a murderous one by firing squad. Jo was married to Grace Gifford at midnight just a few hours before his execution in the little church beside Richmond Barracks.

She was Thomas MacDonagh’s sister-in-law.
The song tells the sad story of their wedding and has tobe one of the saddest songs of all time. Joseph Mary Plunkett had tuberculosis and was hospitalised for that prior to Easter, the phrase, “the blood upon the rose” comes from one of Joseph’s poems — he was a Catholic mystic and poet. Grace Gifford was protestant and her parents did not much approve of the relationship.
As we gather in the chapel here in old Kilmainham Jail
I think about these past few weeks, oh will they say we've failed?
From our school days they have told us we must yearn for liberty
Yet all I want in this dark place is to have you here with me

Oh Grace just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger
They'll take me out at dawn and I will die
With all my love I place this wedding ring upon your finger
There won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye

Now I know it's hard for you my love to ever understand
The love I bare for these brave men, the love for my dear land
But when Pádraic called me to his side down in the GPO
I had to leave my own sick bed, to him I had to go

Oh, Grace just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger
They'll take me out at dawn and I will die
With all my love I'll place this wedding ring upon your finger
There won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye

Now as the dawn is breaking, my heart is breaking too
On this May morn as I walk out, my thoughts will be of you
And I'll write some words upon the wall so everyone will know
I loved so much that I could see his blood upon the rose.

Oh, Grace just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger
They'll take me out at dawn and I will die
With all my love I'll place this wedding ring upon your finger
There won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye
So we must say goodbye

Contributed by Dq82 - 2024/4/8 - 13:14


“Mnà”, termine gaelico che significa “donne”, è il nuovo EP di Andrea Rock, speaker radiofonico, musicista, produttore e frontman del progetto ANDREA ROCK & THE REBEL POETS.

A meno di un anno di distanza da “True Stories”, Andrea torna per raccontare le vite di quattro donne che hanno lasciato il segno nella memoria e nella cultura dell’Isola di Smeraldo.

I quattro brani che compongono l’ep sono l’ideale proseguimento del discorso intrapreso nel 2023 con l’album precedente: raccontare storie vere di personalità legate alla storia culturale e politica irlandese, attraverso un suono che tiene conto sia della tradizione che del contesto attuale. La proposta del progetto può essere descritta come “irish punk” o “celtic rock”, con alcune digressioni più hard, ravvisabili soprattutto nella timbrica vocale e nei suoni di chitarra, basso e batteria. Ad elevarsi al di sopra di queste sonorità, il violino di Lorena Vezzaro

L’attenzione alle tematiche trattate è la cifra caratteristica del progetto, figlio della passione di lunga data di Andrea per la cultura, la storia e la musica proveniente dall’Irlanda.

Grace” è la cover del brano omonimo scritto nel 1985 da Frank and Seán O’Meara e reso poi celebre da Jim McCann dei Dubliners che racconta la tragica storia di Grace Gifford che sposò il suo fidanzato Joseph Mary Plunkett nella prigione di Dublino, sette ore prima che venisse giustiziato per aver preso parte all’insurrezione di pasqua del 1916.

Dq82 - 2024/4/8 - 15:59

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