
Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom

Tony Smith
Lingua: Inglese

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© 2024 Tony Smith

Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom has been killed in an Israeli air strike.
Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom has been killed in an Israeli air strike.

Telephone call 1 April 2024. An inauspicious date in Australia.

In their own words (almost):

Australian politician: You have killed an Australian!!
Israeli spokesperson: You gave us weapons and told us to go for it after the Hamas attack.
Australian politician: Yes, but we thought you were only going to kill Arabs!
Israeli spokesperson: Yes and we have done a pretty good job of it. Over 30,000 at last count.
Australian politician: But an Australian! And an aid worker for World Central Kitchen at that!
Israeli spokesperson: Aid workers. We have killed over 100 of those. And a few media workers. These things happen in war.
Australian politician: I am very, very angry. (Hangs up).
Israeli spokesperson: (Sigh). Oh dear, how sad. Never Mind.
Voice off: Seems very moralistic for a politician. These Austrians.
Israeli spokesperson: And gullible. How is the big man’s hernia?
Zomi Frankcom has prompted these words bespoke
Zomi served life-giving food and hope
To the people of Gaza in starvation and despair
But like many aid workers was martyred right there
In Australia from where Zomi came
We will remember this great woman’s name
We have statues of soldiers, sportsmen and saints
That rose with public money their fame to gain

Zomi will be remembered much longer than they
When bronze statues have melted, plaster crumbled to clay
Her memory will be like a digital frame
On which we see images of loved ones today
Zomi will strengthen our hearts and our minds
When our humanity says some hope we must find
Compassion and selfless devotion are traits
This brave woman epitomised in her fate

Our politicians should be ashamed
Of their role in this brave woman’s fate
They wished her killers well on their spree
Complaining now is hypocrisy
There is evidence enough a case to build
To prove they bear collective guilt
No spin now can exonerate
May their actions haunt them all of their days

We have statues and museums from our dubious past
Reminders of history still play their part
But long after the petty politicians have gone
Zomi’s spirit will live on - and on - and on

inviata da Tony Smith - 6/4/2024 - 23:07

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