
Leve Palestina

Kofia / كوفية
Langue: suédois

Kofia / 	 كوفية

Liste des versions

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Album / Albumi: Palestina, mitt land


Leve Palestina, un inno globale di resistenza e speranza
Radio Popolare - Approfondimenti

Partiamo da uno scambio visto nei giorni scorsi su Facebook, fra due utenti che scrivono in inglese: uno posta la foto di un muro di – andiamo a memoria – una università americana, con la scritta a vernice in stampatello “Leve Palestina”; l’altro commenta sarcasticamente che non sanno neanche scrivere, evidentemente pensando che lo slogan volesse essere per esempio “Love Palestina”; al che il primo ribatte che è il suo interlocutore che non ha capito, perché chiaramente l’intenzione dell’anonimo sostenitore della causa palestinese era proprio di scrivere quello che ha scritto, e linka un articolo nel sito di TRT World, la radiotelevisione pubblica turca, che tre mesi fa raccontava la storia e l’attualità di Leve Palestina: che è il titolo di una canzone. Nel 1972 a Göteborg si costituisce un gruppo musicale militante, formato da svedesi e palestinesi e guidato dal cantante George Totari, palestinese cristiano nato a Nazareth due anni prima della Nakba, nel 1946: il nome del gruppo è tutto un programma: Kofia, cioè la kefiah, la sciarpa simbolo della identità palestinese. Come raccontava a TRT World, Totari, arrivato nel ‘67 in Svezia dopo la guerra dei sei giorni, si rende conto che nel paese che lo accoglie è difficile criticare apertamente Israele, e che la gente, che sia di destra o di sinistra, per lo più non sa niente della Palestina. Di qui l’idea di formare un gruppo musicale, che si dà come missione quella di far conoscere la lotta del popolo palestinese, e che dunque sceglie di esprimersi sia in arabo, insegnando a cantare in arabo ai cantanti svedesi del gruppo, sia in svedese. Importante città portuale e industriale, negli anni settanta Göteborg è teatro di forti lotte operaie e di grandi mobilitazioni internazionaliste, in particolare contro la guerra del Vietnam: il gruppo musicale di Totari comincia a partecipare sistematicamente alle manifestazioni, sensibilizzando alla causa palestinese. Nel ‘76 Kofia pubblica il primo dei suoi album, e continua poi fino alla seconda metà degli anni ottanta: è soprattutto Leve Palestina a fare presa, in svedese “Viva la Palestina”, una canzone vivace, ritmata, costruita su un efficace meccanismo di chiamata e risposta, che parla della bellezza della terra palestinese, di resistenza armata e di costruzione di una società socialista, con il ritornello che inneggia alla Palestina e alla lotta contro il sionismo. Nel suo piccolo, l’attività di Kofia contribuì al cambiamento di percezione della questione palestinese in Svezia, che nel 2014 fu il primo paese dell’Unione Europea a riconoscere la Palestina. All’epoca i socialdemocratici erano tornati al governo dopo otto anni di opposizione: ma qualche anno dopo sono stati gli stessi socialdemocratici, con la ministra degli esteri Ann Linde, nominata nel 2019, ad avviare un cambio di rotta: proprio nel 2019 – ben prima del clima attuale di repressione a livello internazionale delle espressioni di sostegno alla causa palestinese – Leve Palestina, intonata da manifestanti durante la sfilata del primo maggio a Malmö, suscitò lo scandalo della destra ma anche la condanna da parte socialdemocratica in parlamento, e il governo socialdemocratico invitò a bandire la canzone e la polizia a reprimere chi l’avesse cantata. Oggi, con al governo una coalizione di destra di cui fanno parte anche i Democratici Svedesi, partito di matrice neonazista, il sostegno svedese a Israele è diventato – come osservava Le Monde nel novembre scorso – ancora più drastico. Ma la lunga marcia di Leve Palestina non si è fermata: da ottobre la canzone spopola su Instagram e Tik Tok, ed è diventata un inno adottato in tante manifestazioni in tutto il mondo contro il massacro a Gaza.

Marcello Lorrai

Kofia, 1976


Leve Palestina
Pansar och kanoner (مدفعية ودبابات)
De dödar våra kamrater
Vi ska kämpa vidare
Böndernas lagliga rätt
Palestinas dotter
Kufr Kasem-Massakem

Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen
Leve leve leve Palestina
Leve leve leve Palestina
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen

Och vi har odlat jorden
Och vi har skördat vetet
Vi har plockat citronerna
Och pressad oliverna
Och hela världen känner till vår jord
Och hela världen känner till vår jord

Leve leve leve Palestina
Leve leve leve Palestina
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen

Och vi har kastat stenar på
Soldater och poliser
Och vi har skjutit raketer
Mot våra fiender
Och hela världen känner till vår kamp
Och hela världen känner till vår kamp

Leve leve leve Palestina
Leve leve leve Palestina
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen

Och vi ska befria vårt land
Från imperialismen
Och vi ska bygga up vårt land
Till socialismen
Och hella världen kommer att bevittna
Och hella världen kommer att bevittna

Leve leve leve Palestina
Leve leve leve Palestina
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen

Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen
Leve Palestina och krossa sionismen

envoyé par CCG/AWS Staff - 9/3/2024 - 17:48

Langue: italien

Versione italiana / Italian version / Version italienne / Italiankielinen versio:
Riccardo Venturi, 9-3-2024 18:45

Scandita da Greta Thunberg durante una manifestazione a Göteborg, novembre 2023.
Viva la Palestina

Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo
Viva, viva, viva la Palestina
Viva, viva, viva la Palestina
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo

E noi abbiamo coltivato la terra
E noi abbiamo raccolto il grano
Abbiamo còlto i limoni
E spremuto le olive
E il mondo intero conosce la nostra terra
E il mondo intero conosce la nostra terra

Viva, viva, viva la Palestina
Viva, viva, viva la Palestina
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo

E abbiam preso a sassate
Soldati e poliziotti
E abbiam tirato razzi
Contro i nostri nemici
E il mondo intero conosce la nostra lotta
E il mondo intero conosce la nostra lotta

Viva, viva, viva la Palestina
Viva, viva, viva la Palestina
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo

E noi libereremo la nostra terra
E noi fonderemo la nostra terra
Sul socialismo
E il mondo intero ne sarà testimone
E il mondo intero ne sarà testimone

Viva, viva, viva la Palestina
Viva, viva, viva la Palestina
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo

Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo
Viva la Palestina, abbattere il sionismo

9/3/2024 - 18:48

Langue: arabe

Arabic version / Versione araba / Version arabe / Arabiankielinen versio:
GPL-VIP.COM (L. Trans.)

تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية

تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية
تحيا، تحيا فلسطين
تحيا، تحيا فلسطين
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية

ولقد زرعنا التربة
وقد حصدنا القمح
لقد اخترنا الليمون
وعصرت الزيتون
والعالم كله يعرف عن أرضنا
والعالم كله يعرف عن تربتنا

تحيا، تحيا فلسطين
تحيا، تحيا فلسطين
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية

ولقد رمينا الحجارة
الجنود ورجال الشرطة
وقمنا بإطلاق الصواريخ
ضد أعدائنا
والعالم كله يعرف نضالنا
والعالم كله يعرف نضالنا

تحيا، تحيا فلسطين
تحيا، تحيا فلسطين
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية

وسنحرر بلادنا
من الإمبريالية
وسنبني بلدنا
إلى الاشتراكية
وسيشهد العالم كله
وسيشهد العالم كله

تحيا، تحيا فلسطين
تحيا، تحيا فلسطين
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية

تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية
تحيا فلسطين وتسحق الصهيونية

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 9/3/2024 - 19:06

Langue: hébreu

Versione ebraica / Hebrew version / Version hébraïque / Hepreankielinen versio:
Tirgumio (L. Trans.)

Kofia, 18-9-2017. Leve Palestina at 21'55".
תחי פלסטין, תשבור את הציונות

תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות
תחי, תחי, תחי פלסטין
תחי, תחי, תחי פלסטין
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות

וגידלנו את האדמה
וקצרנו את החיטה
קטפנו את הלימונים
ולחצנו את הזיתים
וכל העולם יודע את אדמתנו
וכל העולם יודע את אדמתנו

תחי, תחי, תחי פלסטין
תחי, תחי, תחי פלסטין
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות

וזרקנו אבנים
על חיילים ושוטרים
וירינו רקטות
נגד אויבינו
וכל העולם יודע את מאבקנו
וכל העולם יודע את מאבקנו

תחי, תחי, תחי פלסטין
תחי, תחי, תחי פלסטין
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות

ונשחרר את ארצנו
ונבנה את ארצנו
וכל העולם יהיה עד
וכל העולם יהיה עד

תחי, תחי, תחי פלסטין
תחי, תחי, תחי פלסטין
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות

תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות
תחי פלסטין ותשבור את הציונות

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 9/3/2024 - 19:12

Langue: anglais

English translation / Traduzione inglese / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös:
djspookyjess (L. Trans.)

Leve Palestina: The Rhyme of the Undamned
The Palestine Chronicle, March 11, 2024
by Louis Brehony

Nazareth-born musician George Totari.
Nazareth-born musician George Totari.

Fighting the ban, Leve Palestina is simultaneously a rebellion against proscriptions, right-wing media campaigns, and the constant attack on our right to solidarity with resistance.

Cultural effects of the Zionist genocide and the Gaza Resistance have compounded this now global confrontation. The steadfastness of the displaced, besieged, bombarded and massacred has seen hospital workers and families huddle together in song and poetry, while invading soldiers dance and defile the scorched land of Palestine.

Like all other phases of the Palestinian struggle, the present is enlivened by musical anthems. The prominence of Leve Palestina (Long Live Palestine), first performed a half-century ago by Palestinian-Swedish band Kofia, made it 2023’s “song of the year,” according to the Palestine Museum US. Faced with pro-Israeli censorship and condemnation, this is the song that refuses to be silenced.

Now in his eighth decade, Nazareth-born George Totari has been inundated, with cross-continental media keen to speak to the Leve Palestina songwriter. He admits to feeling tired, but friends and comrades know that, true to form, he will keep going.

I got to know George well in 2015-16, during production and filming for the documentary Kofia: A Revolution Through Music (2021), which tells the story of the band. Swedish and Palestinian musicians who he’d recruited to the cause after his 1967 arrival in Gothenburg described the unceasing drive of their band leader, attributed by flute player Bengt Carlsson to George’s Palestinian identity.

Kofia (a Swedish spelling of kuffieh) had attracted cult status as a pole of resistance culture the 1970s, performing in Scandinavia, Europe and revolutionary Iran, organizing participatory concerts and recording four albums; they added a fifth in 2022.

Leve Palestina vocalist Carina Olsson remembers joining the band after deciding to sing and jumping on stage – such was Kofia’s collective, communitarian environment where music and politics was for everyone. The song appeared on the group’s second vinyl record Mitt Hemlands Jord/Ard Biladi (Earth of My Homeland) in 1978 with the Swedish title Demonstrationssången, which Carina translates as “song of demonstration.”

Its Arabic title Tahiyya Falastin translated the Swedish Leve Palestina chorus. George explains that the song had been performed since around 1970 as a song for street protests for Palestine and a range of progressive causes.

The band had initially decided to keep the song firmly in this context and did not record it for their debut album Palestina Mitt Land/Falastin Baladi (Palestine My Land) in 1976. Sleeve notes described the song as “an attempt to reproduce the kind of spontaneous songs created during demonstrations in Palestine,” and “a dialogue” between the singer and the crowd.

The group would fall in and out of activity but, speaking openly of resisting Zionism and seeing socialism as the solution, the song became an anthem of the anti-imperialist left.

In recent years, Europe has become a battleground between Zionist ruling classes and pro-Palestine activists, with the former mobilizing state forces against opposition to Israel, conflated with hatred of Jews.

On May 1, 2019, protesters in Malmö, Sweden, sang Leve Palestina on the streets. Its lyrics were immediately quoted in parliament by prime minister Stefan Löfven of the ruling Social Democrats, attacking the song’s “unacceptable expression” of opposing Zionism.

The youth wing of Löfven’s party claimed to be leftists but backed down and agreed not to sing the song. This spinelessness repeated a global pattern whereby supposedly progressive social democratic forces played the leading role in Zionist witch-hunts, seen with Corbyn in Britain, Sanders in the US and, brutally, in Germany, where the Samidoun campaign is outlawed and associations named after revolutionary socialist Rosa Luxemburg openly lobby for Israel.

What has happened since Sweden’s attempts to ban and silence the message of Leve Palestina is nothing short of remarkable. Since October 7, 2023, the song has found new voice among tens of thousands of marching protesters across the country, as well as by activists blockading Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit.

According to Samidoun activist Lukas Göransson, the song and its reception enable “a kind of popular political education… In the Swedish context, one might paraphrase the revolutionary saying [of Irish struggler Bobby Sands]: ‘They tried to make us disappear but they didn’t know that we were a song.'

Not only has this campaign of erasure failed in Sweden but Leve Palestina has become an international phenomenon. To young writer Sammy Baroud, the song is “a perfect example of how music can unite all people around a single, powerful cause,” pointing out its inspirations for many other protest anthems, narrowing the seeming distance between Palestine and the world.

Even before the most recent confrontation, Leve Palestina had been sung by Palestinian singers including Rola Azar, and in versions translated into many other languages. Those familiar with other intifadas of rebellious expression know the essential presence of the past to this fight for the future.

In Gaza, younger generations write and sing anew but maintain British-occupation-era songs like Mawtini (My nation) and Hizz al-Rimh (Shake the spear) as a key component of their transmission. As with these examples, George admits, Leve Palestina may well outlive its composer, as “a song of the people… even if we ourselves are no longer present to sing it.”

Fighting the ban, Leve Palestina is simultaneously a rebellion against proscriptions, right-wing media campaigns, and the constant attack on our right to solidarity with resistance.

An example to us all, its lyrics water nothing down, expressing the clear, principled message embraced by youth the world over.
Long Live Palestine, Crush Zionism

Long live Palestine and crush Zionism
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism
Long, long, long live Palestine
Long, long, long live Palestine
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism

And we have cultivated the earth
And we have harvested the wheat
We have picked the lemons
And pressed the olives
And the whole world knows our soil
And the whole world knows our soil

Long, long, long live Palestine
Long, long, long live Palestine
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism

And we have thrown stones at
Soldiers and police
And we have fired missiles
At our enemies
And the whole world knows our struggle
And the whole world knows our struggle

Long, long, long live Palestine
Long, long, long live Palestine
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism

And we will liberate our land
From imperialism
And we will build our land
To socialism
And the whole world will witness
And the whole world will witness

Long, long, long live Palestine
Long, long, long live Palestine
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism

Long live Palestine and crush Zionism
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism
Long live Palestine and crush Zionism

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 11/3/2024 - 11:25

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