
Cry of the Exiled

Lingua: Inglese


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1974 & The Echoes Of War
Brothers of the Earthlands
There's a violent wind
Skies are growing darker
As the future tides roll in
A new babe with a loud cry
Will thrash away the cure
We'll swallow the harsh sigh
Fit the spoon to the source

I'll be there
Even if the orders contradict my inner voice
I'll follow you deep into the trenches
Where all the lines are shades of gray

Sentenced to the darkness
For a crime of innocence
The other arrested
From a call of ignorance
Hero of the future
Forced to wallow on the Earth
We are the redeemers
Thrust your hands into the dirt

Every day brings us even closer
Drives our mission farther on
Through the fire, I can see my children
Dancing in an open sky

inviata da Dq82 - 13/11/2023 - 10:04

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