
Back to Zero

Rolling Stones
Lingua: Inglese

Rolling Stones

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dall'album "Dirty Work"
Dirty Work

Siamo tutti d’accordo sul fatto che Dirty Work non sia l’album migliore dei Rolling Stones. Tuttavia, come molti altri artisti, per Mick Jagger i primi anni ’80 furono caratterizzati dall’angoscia per una possibile guerra nucleare tra Stati Uniti e Unione Sovietica. Un timore che portò per la prima volta il frontman a cimentarsi con un brano sull’argomento. Coadiuvato da Chuck Leavell, per la prima e unica volta accreditato in un pezzo degli Stones, Jagger mise in musica le proprie paure. Un motivo per recuperare l’album che ricordiamo quasi esclusivamente per Harlem Shuffle.

Rolling Stone - Che bomba queste 10 canzoni sull'apocalisse nucleare
Back to zero
So you want to blow us all to pieces
Go meet your maker, head hung down
And give him all your explanations
Go ahead, throw down
Back to zero, back to nothing
Straight to meltdown, back to zero
That's where we're heading

It's a monkey living on my back
I can feel my spine begin to crack
I'm looking to the future
I keep on glancing back
I prefer to rot
I don't want to pop

I think I'll head back to the jungle, alright
Don't want to see no big bad rumble, too fright
Back to zero, that's where we're going
Back to nothing, right now, right now
No heroes? No more heroes
Back to meltdown
That's where I'm going, back to zero

My whole life is hanging on a thread
I'm the fly inside the spider's web
I'm looking to the future
I keep on glancing back
I prefer to rot
I don't want to pop

I worry about my great grandchildren
Living ten miles beneath the ground
I worry about their whole existence
The whole damn thing's in doubt
Back to zero, that's where we're going
Back to nothing, that's where we're heading
Straight to meltdown, that's where we're going
Back to zero, right now, right now

We're going nowhere
Right now, right now
Back to zero, that's where we're heading
Back to zero

29/8/2023 - 18:15

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