
I Love Everybody

Lingua: Inglese

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Testo adattato della traccia cantata dai manifestanti durante la marcia per i Diritti Civili da Selma a Montgomery , Alabama, nel 1965

Foto di Matt Herron 1965
Foto di Matt Herron 1965

da: Civil Rights Movement Archive › 65_selma_wnew_liner
RADIO STATION - WNEW's Story of Selma, 1965.
With Len Chandler, Pete Seeger and The Freedom Voices
p. 4/8

I Love Everybody.
PETE : There are batches of young women - some of them teenage girls - right in back of where my wife and I were walkin'. They came out with a couple of verses that gave me pause to think and I realize that this March had something unique in the whole world . Anybody in America that thought that this March was full of a bunch of angry people, you know, shouting out malignant thoughts and … on the contrary it was one of the most happy.... purely joyful thing you could imagine. This is what these girls were singing ….

I love everybody in my heart
I love everybody in my heart
I love everybody
I love everybod
I love everybody in my heart

NARR. : And on route 80 ;

CROWD : …. in my heart
There is no two ways about
There is no two ways about him
In my heart

You can't make me doubt him
You can't make me doubt him
You can't make me doubt him in my heart

You can't make me doubt him
You can't make me doubt him
You can't make me doubt him in my heart

Feel that fire burning
Feel that fire burning
Feel that fire burning in my heart

Feel that fire burning
Feel that fire burning
Feel that fire burning in my heart

I love everybody
I love everybod
I love everybody in my heart

I love everybody
I love everybod
I love everybody in my heart


Well,You can't make me doubt it in my heart
Well,You can't make me doubt it in my heart
You can't make me doubt it
You can't make me doubt it
You can't make me doubt it in my heart

I feel the spirit burning
I feel the spirit burning
I feel the spirit burning in my heart

I feel the spirit burning
I feel the spirit burning
I feel the spirit burning in my heart

I love everybody
I love everybod
I love everybody in my heart

I love everybody
I love everybod
I love everybody in my heart

inviata da Pluck - 27/8/2023 - 18:12

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