
My Lord What a Morning

Joan Baez
Langue: anglais

Joan Baez

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My Lord What a Morning - Joan Baez –

Album : Joan Baez in Concert 1962
In Concert

Adattamento di Joan Baez a canzone di protesta del testo di un noto Black Spiritual di pubblico dominio del Nord degli Stati Uniti del 17°-18° sec.
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
When the stars begin to fall

You'll hear the trumpet sounding
You'll hear the trumpet sounding
You'll hear the trumpet sounding
When the stars begin to fall

They'll wake the nations underground
They'll wake the nations underground
They'll wake the nations underground
When the stars begin to fall

Oh, sinners, what will you do?
Oh, sinners, what will you do?
Oh, sinners, what will you do?
When the stars begin to fall

You'll shout and pray for victory
You'll shout and pray for victory
You'll shout and pray for victory
When the stars begin to fall

There'll be no victory
There'll be no victory, Lord
There'll be no victory, Lord
When the stars begin to fall

My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning
When the stars begin to fall

envoyé par Pluck - 25/4/2023 - 23:45

Langue: anglais

Lo spiritual originale

Notes:"Morning" may also be sung as "Mourning"

Source: One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: an African American ecumenical hymnal #600

My Lord, What a Morning


My Lord, what a morning when the stars begin to fall..
My Lord, what a morning, my Lord, what a morning
My Lord, what a morning when the stars begin to fall.

1 - You will hear the trumpet sound
To wake the nations underground
Lookin' to my God's right hand
When the stars begin to fall.

2 - You will hear the sinner cry
To wake the nations underground
Lookin' to my God's right hand
When the stars begin to fall

3 - You will hear the Christians shout
To wake the nations underground
Lookin' to my God's right hand
When the stars begin to fall

26/4/2023 - 08:21

Langue: anglais

My Lord What a Mornin' - Harry Belafonte -

Album : " My Lord What a Mornin' " - 1960

My Lord What a Mornin' è un album di spirituals interpretati da Harry Belafonte e da The Belafonte Folk Singers pubblicato dalla RCA Victor nel 1960.

Le note di copertina dell'album con una breve storia degli spirituals , presentazione dei brani e commento sulla loro interpretazione sono di Langston Hughes che scrive fra l'altro :
" Harry Belafonte's great versatility as a singer of folk music serves this material well, and his innate sense of the dramatic value of a song has never been more effectively projected than on this record "


My Lord, what a mornin'
My Lord, what a mornin'
My Lord, what a mornin'
When the stars begin to fall
When the stars begin to fall

My Lord, what a mornin'
My Lord, what a mornin'
My Lord, what a mornin'
When the stars begin to fall
When the stars begin to fall

No more grief and pain for me
I heard from Heaven today
Yes, my Lord's gonna set me free
I heard from Him today

My Lord, what a mornin'
My Lord, what a mornin'
Oh, my Lord, what a mornin'
When the stars begin to fall
When the stars begin to fall

On my way to the promised land
I heard from Him today
God's gonna give me His right hand
I heard from Heaven today

My Lord, what a mornin'
My Lord, what a mornin'
Oh, my Lord, what a mornin'
When the stars begin to fall
When the stars begin to fall

envoyé par Pluck - 26/4/2023 - 17:45

Segnalo dall'articolo gia' citato ( History of Hymns: 'My Lord, What a Morning' BY C. MICHAEL HAWN ) alcuni evidenti riferimenti biblici di immagini apocalittiche del testo oltre alle 2 possibili trascrizioni del titolo.

The accepted spelling of these homonyms in most hymnals today is “morning.” A case can be made either way, however. Matthew 24:29-31, an apparent scriptural source for the spiritual, offers a defense for “mourning”:

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other ( Bible - King James Version ).

History of Hymns: 'My Lord, What a Morning' ( The United Methodist Church ).

Pluck - 13/5/2023 - 22:57

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