

Lingue: Inglese, Ebraico


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Questo rifacimento stile Laibach dell'inno nazionale israeliano allude - naturalmente - alle guerre di Israele e alla questione palestinese.
As long as deep in the heart
A Jewish soul still yearns
And forward to the east
To Zion, an eye still looks
Our hope will not be lost
The hope of two thousand years
('Od lo avdah tikvatenu
Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim)
To be a free nation in our own home-land
(Lihyot am chofshi be'artzenu
Eretz Tziyon vi'rushalayim)
The land of Zion and Jerusalem

My country, my country, my land
My ancestors!
My country, my country, my nation
In the land of struggle!

With determination, fire
(Kol'od balevav P'nimah)
And my volcanic revenge
I hove climbed the mountains
Crossed frontiers
(Nefesh Yehudi homiyah)
And fought the wars

I've conquered the impossible
With longing in my blood
(Ulfa'atey mizrach kadimah)
And the roar of gems
For my country, my land, my home
(Ayin le'tzion tzofiyah)
My ancestors

25/4/2023 - 23:23

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