
What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body? / Lonely Little Girl

Frank Zappa
Lingua: Inglese

Frank Zappa

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Parole di Frank Zappa
Musica di Frank Zappa e The Mothers of Invention
Nell'album "We’re Only in It for the Money"

[[|We’re Only in It for the Money]

[[|We’re Only in It for the Money]

Due brani, strettamente associati tra loro, facenti parte di un disco iconoclasta che se la prendeva un po' con tutti, coi Beatles, con la repressione come metodo del sistema e delle sue istituzioni totali, a partire dalla famiglia, ma anche con la controcultura del Flower Power allora egemone fra i giovani...
La copertina originaria - una chiarissima satira anti-Beatles - non potè essere pubblicata se non all'interno dell'album...
What's the ugliest part of your body?
What's the ugliest part of your body?
Some say your nose, some say your toes
I think it's your mind (Your mind)
I think it's your mind, woo woo

All your children are poor unfortunate victims
Of systems beyond their control
A plague upon your ignorance
And the gray despair of your ugly life

Where did Annie go
When she went to town?
Who are all those creeps
That she brings around?

All your children are poor unfortunate victims
Of lies you believe
A plague upon your ignorance
That keeps the young from the truth they deserve


You're a lonely little girl
But your mommy and your daddy don't care
You're a lonely little girl

The things they say
just hurt your heart
It's too late now
for them to start
To understand
The way you feel
The world for them
is too unreal

So you're lonely, lonely, lonely
Lonely little girl
You're lonely

[callback from "What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body?]
All your children are poor unfortunate victims
Of systems beyond their control
A plague upon your ignorance
And the gray despair of your ugly life

Where did Annie go
When she went to town?
Who are all those creeps
That she brings around?

All your children are poor unfortunate victims
Of lies you believe...

13/4/2023 - 13:28

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