

Tori Amos
Lingua: Inglese

Tori Amos

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Album: To Venus and Back

To Venus and Back

Tori Amos è stata vittima di un abuso e in Juárez si ricrea un pò la spaventosa atmosfera di Me and a Gun, spettrale cronaca a cappella di uno stupro.
Dropped off the edge again down in Juarez
"Don't even bat an eye
If the eagle cries" the rasta man says
Just cause the desert likes young girls flesh
And no angel came.

I don't think you even know
What you think you just said
So go on
Spill your seed
Shake your gun to the rasta man's head
And the desert
She must be blessed
And no angel came.

There's a time to keep it up
A time to keep it in
The Indian is told
The cowboy is his friend
You know that I can breathe
Even when I cheat
Should Should've been over for me
No angel came.
No angel came.
No angel came.
No angel came.
No angel came.
No angel came.
No angel came.
No angel came.
No angel came.

inviata da Marcia Rosati - 22/10/2007 - 19:06

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