
Le Soleil du Vietnam

Christel Ruby
Lingua: Francese

Christel Ruby

Lista delle versioni e commenti

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Le Soleil Du Vietnam / Problème / Ruby / Nous Vous Démolirons
Roseaux, clairières
Villages calmes et rivières
Bases, camions
Mitrailleuses et canons

Le soleil du Vietnam
N'entend pas Bob Dylan

Herbes et colliers
Papillons, scarabées
Casques, bataillons
Fusées, chars et avions

Le soleil du Vietnam
N'entend pas Bob Dylan

Rires, plages immenses
Pieds nus, vagues qui dansent
Tirs, explosions
Grenades, bombes, destructions

Le soleil du Vietnam
N'entend pas Bob Dylan

Boue, trous, silence
Cartables et ruines immenses
Vendez l'O.N.U
Relogez ces gens tout nus

Le soleil du Vietnam
N'entend pas Bob Dylan

15/10/2022 - 23:23

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese / English Translation: Vietnam War Songs Project

Reeds, glades
Quiet villages and rivers
Bases, trucks
Machine guns and cannons

The sun of Vietnam
Can't hear Bob Dylan

Herbs and necklaces
Butterflies, beetles
Helmets, battalions
Rockets, tanks and planes

The sun from Vietnam
Can't hear Bob Dylan

Laughter, huge beaches
Barefoot, dancing waves
Shooting, explosions
Grenades, bombs, destruction

The Vietnam sun
Can't hear Bob Dylan

Mud, holes, silence
Huge satchels and ruins
Sell the UN
Relocate these naked people

Vietnam's sun
Can't hear Bob Dylan

15/10/2022 - 23:27

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