
Cynicism Or Truth

Dean Omori
Language: English

List of versions

Related Songs

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Beautiful World
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Why We Lie
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Da/From: "Ten War Songs"

Lyrics and music by Dean Omori
Testo e musica di Dean Omori

Why we lie

I am Dean Omori, Artist and father of two little boys. This whole thing is dedicated to the art of protest and why it is that we as people seem unable to raise adequate concerns to the reasons we are at war. How easily today we roll over, how easily we accept what is so obvioulsy wrong at the behest of those who control us and at the same time appear to have so little respect for our voice. How simply we accept what our political figures are forcing us into, resigned to the notion that a democracy runs largely on our leathargy and the superiority of the few. We as a nation are blooded in a war and its atrocities in the name of peace and god and beneath the intellectual radars of politicians hidden agendas. Yet I think it is precisely when we believe we as people are powerless to act that we have more power than we could ever imagine. The power of the people no longer reides in democracy but in our capacidy to think and judge situations for ourselves. And there let us act accordingly.

But the noise of these songs in my head at times, was so loud that I had little choice but to exorcise them in completing this thing. The entire album is written and performed by me and recorded on my Mac in our back room. So if you don't like it, well that'll be down to me. But listen to the beauty of TEN WAR SONGS, download them and share it with those of you stifiled without a revolution befitting the time in which we live.
Dean Omori

Art of protest

Hello world

This website is here for two reasons:

Firstly to promote the new album I have recently written and recorded and will be available from 1st October 2007 as a free download. TEN WAR SONGS is the sound of protest if you turn up our silence within us. It is neither religious nor political but it stands to one side with art and justice when our humanity is in question.

Secondly it is my voice in the art of protest. To make something beautiful and challenging and at the same time envoke a movement based on growth and not violence. And there to hopefully work at our collective consciences into standing up for what is right, never again to allow wars to wash over us ever so lightly. To ask why it is as people we seem to have lost the need for protest, for revolution. Where once the soul of our nation could be gauged by its youth, on campus, in streets; by their anger, their defiance and for their fight for what is just, in the face of what is so obviously wrong in the world. Where today our only concerns seem to be media fed on what it is we are all being told we believe in. The policies of this new world appear to be based on money and self-importance regardless the suffering and humiliation of others. Without protest and with it change, we have to accept what it is they are shovelling.
Dean Omori
I’m here just trying to find reason
Why soldiers all believe in what they do
Is it men and boys like to go fighting?
Talkin’ cynicism or truth

We know politics is rotten
Their signature on every dead recruit
War comes in bullets and it comes in business
Is this cynicism or is it the truth

And all we find to say
Are the words I don’t know
Who’s left to care
What is right in this world
You should be ashamed of your soul

They say this is a fight full of justice
I wonder justice for who
I cry
I see the soldiers laughing
Talkin’ cynicism or truth

They argue this is not about the money
Dress soldiers in pink if you need proof
War don’t make friends it makes interests
Is this cynicism or is it truth

And all we find to say

War grants itself a long line of heroes
Prejudice is as lethal as your salute
No one knows the real enemy today
Talking cynicism or truth

So I kiss goodnight my little babies
They don’t hear the night bombs some little ones do
War kills first the innocence of our children
Call it cynicism or call it the truth



I hope you die
For the things you do
Keep telling lies
All over you

When we come
To tell the truth
You spin the lies
And break the news

Murder lies
Who got proof
I stand alone
On a silent truth

People don’t care
Don’t tell me they do
Search my heart
I’m ashamed of you

You rock the world
And it hates you
Mankind bowed
To the power of the few

War for oil
Lies for truth
The rich have won
The poor’ll always lose

Contributed by daniela -k.d.- - 2007/10/3 - 20:37

Language: Italian

Versione italiana di Kiocciolina

Sono qui solo per tentare di trovare una ragione
Per cui tutti i soldati credono in ciò cha fanno
Agli uomini ed ai ragazzi piace andare a combattere?
Parliamo di cinismo o di verità

Sappiamo che la politica è marcia
La loro firma su ogni nuova morte
La guerra si trova nei proiettili e si trova negli affari
Questo è cinismo, o è la verità?

E tutto quello che troviamo da dire
Sono le parole "Non so"
Chi è rimasto ad interessarsene?
Cosa è giusto in questo mondo?
Dovreste vergognarvi della vostra anima

Dicono che sia una lotta piena di giustizia
Mi domando, giustizia per chi?
Vedo i soldati ridere
Parliamo di cinismo o di verità

Spiegano che non c'entrano i soldi
Vestite i soldati di rosa se avete bisogno di una prova
La guerra non crea amici, crea interessi
Questo è cinismo, o è la verità?

E tutto quello che troviamo da dire

La guerra garantisce a se stessa una lunga serie di eroi
Il pregiudizio è letale quanto il vostro saluto

Nessuno sa chi sia il vero nemico oggi
Parliamo di cinismo o di verità

Così dò il bacio della buonanotte ai miei bambini
Loro non sentono di notte le bombe come accade ad altri bambini
La guerra uccide prima di tutto l'innocenza dei nostri figli
Chiamatelo cinismo, o chiamatela verità



Spero che tu muoia
Per le cose che fai
Continui a dire menzogne

Quando arriviamo
A dire la verità
Intessi le mezogne
E interrompi le notizie

L'omicidio mente
Chi ha le prove?
Io sto da sola
In una verità silente

Alla gente non interessa
Non ditemi che è così
Cercate nel mio cuore
Mi vergogno di voi

Scuotete il mondo
E lui vi odia
L'umanità prostrata
Al potere dei pochi

Guerra per il petrolio
Menzogne al posto della verità
I ricchi hanno vinto
I poveri perderanno sempre

Contributed by Kiocciolina - 2007/10/10 - 14:33

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