
Highway 66 Blues

Woody Guthrie
Lingua: Inglese

Woody Guthrie

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"Verso la fine degli aa.'30,la mèta della maggior parte dei disoccupati e dei senza casa dell'Ovest e del Sud-Ovest era la California. Disprezzati per la loro poverta' e rozzezza contadina,etichettati con nomignoli dispregiativi (Okies,Arkies,Mizoos) gli agricoltori rovinati dell' Oklahoma,dell'Arkansas,del Missouri, del Texas affluivano verso la nuova terra promessa trovando un formidabile sbarramento di polizia a chiuder loro la strada. La citta' di Los Angeles invento' il blocco totale contro gli immigranti poveri , rimandando indietro tutti quelli che arrivavano senza soldi in tasca sulla strada numero 66,quella che veniva dagli stati piu' colpiti della depressione."

da "La canzone popolare in America " di Alessandro Portelli - De Donato Ed.- 1975 - pag. 40
There is a Highway from coast to the coast,
New York to Los Angeles,
I'm a goin' down that road with troubles on my mind
I got them 66 Highway Blues.

Every old town that I ramble' round,
Down that Lonesome Road,
The police in yo' town they shove me around,
I got them 66 Highway Blues.

Makes me no difference wherever I ramble
Lord, wherever I go,
I don't wanna be pushed around by th' police in yo' town,
I got them 66 Highway Blues.

Been on this road for a mighty long time,
Ten million men like me,
You drive us from yo' town, we ramble around,
And got them 66 Highway Blues.

Sometimes I think I'll blow down a cop,
Lord, you treat me so mean,
I done lost my gal, I aint got a dime,
I got them 66 Highway Blues.

Sometimes I think I'll get me a gun,
Thirty eight or big forty fo',
But a number for a name and a big 99,
Is worse than 66 Highway Blues.

I'm gonna start me a hungry man's union,
Ainta gonna charge no dues,
Gonna march down that road to the Wall Street Walls
A singin' those 66 Highway blues.

inviata da Pluck - 5/8/2022 - 20:17

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