
שפּאַציר אין וואַלד

Klara Sheynis / קלאַראַ שײניס
Lingua: Yiddish

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Shpatsir In Vald


Yiddish Glory – The Lost Songs Of World War II
The Lost Songs Of World War II

“Shpatsir in vald” (A Walk in the Forest), by tailor Klara Sheynis, 25, from Cheboksary in the Chuvashia Region, recounts in waltz time an affecting farewell exchange between two lovers before he goes off to the front. They have obviously spent the night together in the forest. One can only be reminded of Romeo and Juliet awakening together:

See, the sun is already rising,
The world will soon be full of light.
Go, take revenge on the fascists,
My hero will come back with a badge of honor.

But maybe not alive. So many young people’s lives were upended by war and destruction. People hung their futures on slender hopes. So much had to be rebuilt, physically and emotionally, after the war ended.
מיר זיינען ערשט נעכטן געגאנגען
יאגעדאס קלײַבן אין וואלד.
געזונט זײַ מיין ליבע, מיין שיינע,
כ׳גיי אפן פראָנט אוועק באלד…

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קווייטן געריסן, און בלומעּן,
אוי, טײַערער מײַנער און ליבער,
געזונט פונעם פראָנט זאָלסטו קומען…

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עס ווערן פארלאָשן די שטערן.
היטלערן וועל איך דערשלאָגן
נאכדעם אהיים זיך אומקערן…

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ליכטיק וועט ווערן דער וועלט.
נויקעם זיך אין די פאשיסטן
ז׳קום מיט אנ׳אָרדען מײַן העלד…

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און מיטן ענדגילטיקן זיג…
טײַערס! גענוג מיך בייגלייטן,
קער זיך אהיים שוין צוריק.

– אהיים וועל איך שוין זיך אומקערן
און דיר א געטרײַער פארבלײַבן,
נאָר טײַערע מײַנער און ליבער,
אָפט זאָלסטו בריוועלעך מיר שרייבן...

inviata da Dq82 - 2/6/2022 - 19:31

Lingua: Yiddish

Mir zaynen ersht nekhtn gegangen
Yagedas klaybn in vald.
Gezunt zay mayn libe, mayn sheyne,
Kh’gey afn front avek bald…

– Mir hobn in vald geshpatsirt,
Kveytn gerisn, un blumen,
Oy, tayerer mayner un liber,
Gezunt funem front zolstu kumen…

– S’heybt shoyn on, libe, tsu togn,
Es vern farloshn di shtern.
Hitlern vel ikh dershlogn
Nakhdem aheym zikh umkern…

– Ot iz shoyn di zun oyfgegangen,
Likhtik vet vern der velt.
Noykem zikh in di fashistn
Z’kum mit an’orden mayn held…

– Kumen vel ikh mit an orden,
Un mitn endgiltikn zig…
Tayers! Genug mikh beygleytn,
Ker zikh aheym shoyn tsurik.

– Aheym vel ikh shoyn zikh umkern
Un dir a getrayer farblaybn,
Nor tayere mayner un liber,
Oft zolstu brivelekh mir shraybn

inviata da Dq82 - 2/6/2022 - 19:33

Lingua: Inglese

English translation / Traduzione inglese / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös:
--> Yiddish Glory Official Website

We we went out for the first time yesterday
To collect berries in the forest.
Be well my beautiful beloved
Soon I will leave [to fight] in the frontlines…”

“We went for a walk in the forest
To pick little blossoms and flowers
Oh my dearest one, my darling
Return from the frontlines in one piece

“The day begins, my love
The stars will soon extinguish
I will attack Hitler until he’s wiped out
And then I will return home [to you]...”

“See, the sun is already rising,
The world will soon be full of light
Go, take revenge on the fascists
My hero will come back with a badge of honor...”

“I will return with a badge of honour,
And with a spring in my step…
Dearest! Enough with the goodbyes,
Go, and have a quick journey home.”

“I will go and return home,
And [there] I will remain faithful to you
I only [ask], dearest love of mine,
That you write me letters….”

inviata da Dq82 - 2/6/2022 - 19:35

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