
Olen kommunisti

Eero Ojanen
Lingua: Finlandese

Eero Ojanen

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Audio link to the song performed by Agit Prop on their 1974 album Laulu kaikille (A Song for All):

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Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel: Eero Ojanen
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat: Brita Polttila

The lyrics of this song are based on lines written by Nâzım Hikmet in his 1962 autobiographical novel Yaşamak Güzel Şey Be Kardeşim, translated into English by Mutlu Konuk Blasing and published in 2013 under the title Life's Good, Brother.

For most of his life, Hikmet was persecuted by the Turkish state for his political beliefs. His works were banned in Turkey until 1965. In 2017, 59 years after Hikmet's death, Yaşamak Güzel Şey Be Kardeşim was published by Yapı Kredi Publications, the current owner of Hikmet's copyrights, with a total of 25 parts of the text censored, including these very lines now reading »I'm a worker« instead of »I'm a communist«. So thank you, Mr. Erdoğan, for this and for your recent kind words about Finland and Sweden.
Olen kommunisti.
Olen rakkautta kiireestä kantapäähän,
rakkautta syntyvään lapseen,
etenevään valoon.

Rakkaus on näkemistä,
ajattelemista, ymmärtämistä.
Rakkaus on kehdon ripustamista tähtiin.
Rakkaus on teräksen valamisen vaivannäköä.

Olen kommunisti.
Olen rakkautta kiireestä kantapäähän,
rakkautta syntyvään lapseen,
etenevään valoon.

Olen kommunisti.

inviata da Juha Rämö - 18/5/2022 - 17:41

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese / English translation / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös: Juha Rämö


I'm a communist,
I'm love from top to toe,
love for a child to be born,
for advancing light.

Love is seeing,
thinking, understanding.
Love is hanging a cradle on the stars.
Love is the effort required to cast steel.

I'm a communist,
I'm love from top to toe,
love for a child to be born,
for advancing light.

I'm a communist.

inviata da Juha Rämö - 18/5/2022 - 17:43

Lingua: Svedese

Traduzione svedese / Swedish translation / Traduction suédoise / Svensk översättning / Ruotsinkielinen käännös: Juha Rämö

Texten till den här låten är baserad på rader skrivna av Nâzım Hikmet i hans självbiografiska roman Yaşamak Güzel Şey Be Kardeşim från 1962. Romanen är översatt till engelska av Mutlu Konuk Blasing och publicerad 2013 under titeln Life's Good, Brother.

Under större delen av sitt liv var Hikmet förföljd av den turkiska staten för sin politiska övertygelse. Hans verk var förbjudna i Turkiet fram till 1965. 2017, 59 år efter Hikmets död, publicerades Yaşamak Güzel Şey Be Kardeşim av förlagshuset Yapı Kredi, den nuvarande ägaren av Hikmets upphovsrätt. Den nya upplagan innehåller totalt 25 censurerade textställen. Censuren har till exempel förandrat »jag är kommunist« till »jag är arbetare«. Så tack, herr Erdoğan, för detta och för ditt vänliga uttalande om Finland och Sverige häromdagen.

Jag är kommunist,
jag är kärlek från topp till tå,
kärlek till ett barn som skall födas,
till framskridande ljus.

Kärlek är att se,
att tänka, att förstå.
Kärlek är att hänga en vagga i stjärnor.
Kärlek är mödan att gjuta järn.

Jag är kommunist,
jag är kärlek från topp till tå,
kärlek till ett barn som skall födas,
till framskridande ljus.

Jag är kommunist.

inviata da Juha Rämö - 18/5/2022 - 22:21

Well, I think mr Erdoğan's “kind words” about Finland and Sweden are not unexpected. Mr Erdoğan is not only a dictator, but also an international blackmailer. He isn't much different from Putin: he uses the strategic position of Turkey just like Putin uses his gas and natural resources. He's definitely a criminal and a terrorist, but a criminal in the OTAN and his blackmail on Finland and Sweden, which are so eager to enter OTAN and renounce their historical neutrality, is a dilemma for both. What to do? You want to become OTAN members? Well, give us back our Kurds you so kindly protect in your Putin-frightened countries, we'll exterminate them, and then you can become members of anything you want. This is very simple and, I repeat, not at all unexpected. Now, you have to choose, and your choice could be very harmful to people who sought for refuge in you countries against death and/or lifelong imprisonment. Welcome back to the logic of blocks and war, where refugees, be they Kurds or Ukrainians, are only exchange meat in the name of OTANs, “European Unions”, Erdoğans, Putins, Bidens, Draghis and other international, powerful sons of the same bitch.

Riccardo Venturi - 18/5/2022 - 21:59

Not unexpected but a little bit surprising since my guess was that the first one to make a hearty statement like this would be Mr. Orbán, the great leader of our brother nation Hungary, who has openly declared to be a close friend to Mr. Putin, the great leader of our eastern neighbor Russia whose existence is currently threatened by the hords of Ukrainian Nazis.

Juha Rämö - 18/5/2022 - 22:48

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese / English translation / Traduction anglaise / Englanninkielinen käännös

This is an English translation of Hikmet's original verses obtained from and probably by Mutlu Konuk Blasing.

I'm a communist,
love from head to toe:
love sees, thinks, and understands,
love is a new-born advancing light,
love hitches a swing to the stars,
love casts steel in a sweat.
I’m a communist,
love from head to toe.

inviata da Juha Rämö - 19/5/2022 - 10:35

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