
Fiddle or a Gun

Lingua: Inglese


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Times are hard, the old man said
backs against the wall
a young man isn't worth a damn
who will not heed the call

the boys are going underground
buckle down and hide
pin these colours to your heart
lay your toys aside

and it's time to choose
do I have to choose
it's a people's war that must be won

I put down the fiddle
they gave me a gun

some got scared and some got bought
some got blown away
some got wise and some got taught
to fight another day

but the price that we had really paid
I didn't see it then
march until your feet are sore
you never dance again

and it's time to choose
do I have to choose
we spent our best years on the run

I put down the fiddle
they gave me a gun

and it's time to choose
do I have to choose
old men's wars are never done

I picked up the fiddle
put down the gun

inviata da Dq82 - 13/5/2022 - 09:59

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