
Volodymyr the Brave

Tony Smith
Langue: anglais

Liste des versions

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Volodymyr the Brave
© 2022 Tony Smith

While the song mentions the President of Ukraine specifically, it is meant as praise for all Ukrainians in their resistance against the illegal and brutal Russian invasion. President Zelensky stands for Ukraine in a way which few politicians could claim to do in their countries.
There are some things I’d like to know
How you stay calm when you’re on show
And how you lead your people so well
Is an important tale to tell

In your fight with the Russian bully
We of good will back you fully
Some states smile and promise support
But then let you beg for more

Cometh the hour cometh the man
Brutally invaded yet you stand
Defying tanks and guns and planes
Showing the dignity of Ukraine

When humour was your stock in trade
Did you imagine you’d be made
To shelter from bombs and mourn the dead
Yet you manage to keep your head

History will judge you well you’ll see
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
For you are the epitome
Of courage and integrity

envoyé par Tony Smith - 3/5/2022 - 01:47

Lorenzo - 3/5/2022 - 09:07

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